Bulgartransgaz is launching a procedure for obtaining credit of up to EUR 400 million with a repayment period of 6 years . The money is for the implementation of key projects such as the Balkan Stream gas pipeline, the Bulgaria-Serbia..
The binding phase of the market test for the reservation of capacity from the floating liquefied natural gas terminal near the Greek town of Alexandroupolis on the Aegean coast has been successfully completed . Greek, international companies and..
Ελληνικές και διεθνείς εταιρίες όπως και τελικοί χρήστες επιβεβαίωσαν το ενδιαφέρον τους να λαμβάνουν υγραέριο από τον πλωτό σταθμό της Αλεξανδρούπολης. Έτσι ολοκληρώθηκε η δεσμευτική φάση του τεστ αγοράς για κρατήσεις ποσοτήτων για τα επόμενα έως και..
La fase vinculante del test de mercado para reservar capacidad de la terminal flotante de gas natural licuado en las inmediaciones de Alejandrópolis ha concluido con éxito. Compañías helenas e internacionales, como también usuarios finales han..
Der staatliche Erdgas-Verteilnetzbetreiber „Bulgartransgaz“ leitete öffentliche Konsultationen über einen 10jährigen Plan zur Entwicklung des Netzes des Unternehmens für den Zeitraum 2020 bis 2029 ein. Ziel ist, die Gaslieferungen garantieren zu können,..
Operatori bullgar për transmetimin e gazit “Bulgartransgaz” SHA filloi konsultime publike për hartimin e projektit për plan 10-vjeçar për zhvillimin e rrjetit të shoqërisë për periudhën 2020-2029. Qëllimi i planit është që të garantohet siguria..
La Bulgartransgaz S.A., operadora estatal búlgara de transportación gasista, abre consulta pública sobre proyecto de plan decenal de desarrollo de las redes de esta sociedad en el período de 2020 a 2029. El plan se propone garantizar la seguridad de los..
Drejtori ekzekutiv i kompanisë “Bulgartransgaz” Vladimir Malinov hodhi poshtë informacionet sipas të cilave punëtorët italianë të kompanisë saudite “Arkad”, të cilët po ndërtojnë gazsjellësin “Rryma Ballkanike”, e kanë mbartur koronavirusin në..
Në Këshillim e Ministrave në Sofje “Bulgartransgaz” nënshkroi me kompaninë saudite “Arkad” marrëveshje për ndërtimin e pjesës bullgare të projektit “Rryma Turke” nga kufiri ynë me Turqinë deri në atë me Serbinë. Vlera e projektit është 1,102..
Bulgaria’s gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz received approval by the European Commission for two projects for interoperable cross-border services to the tune of EUR 388 thousand. 75% of the amount is allotted in the form of gratuitous..