Eмисия новини
от часа

“Smeli” frigate to take part in international exercise in the Black Sea

The “Smeli” (“Brave”) frigate with commander Captain Third Rank Trifon Mitishev sailed off on March 12 from Varna to the port of Poti in Georgia, the headquarters of the Bulgarian Navy has reported. Until April 1st, the ship will be..

12.03.21 18:21 |

Savunma Bakanı Karakaçanov, Bulgaristan’ın NATO'nun deniz tatbikatını sabote ettiğine ilişkin iddiaları reddetti

BTA’nın haberine göre, Savunma Bakanı Krassimir Karakaçanov, Bulgaristan ’ın , NATO’nun Karadeniz’deki “ Poseidon 21 ” deniz tatbikatın a  katılmaktan vazgeç erek  sabote ettiği yönündeki iddiaları sorumsuz olarak nitelendirdi. Bakan,..

04.03.21 13:38 |

Verteidigungsminister weist Vorwurf der Sabotage zurück

Der Verteidigungsminister Krassimir Karakatchanow wies die Behauptungen als unverantwortlich zurück, dass Bulgarien die NATO-Übung "Poseidon-21" sabotiert, in dem es nicht daran teilnimmt. Der Minister appellierte verantwortungsvoll zu sein und auf..

04.03.21 13:32 |
Krasimir Karakachanov

Defence Minister Karakachanov denies allegations Bulgaria is sabotaging NATO exercise

Minister of Defence Krasimir Karakachanov denied allegations that by not taking part in the Poseidon 21 maneuvers Bulgaria is sabotaging the NATO exercise, stating they were irresponsible.  Minister Karakachanov called for a stronger sense of..

04.03.21 13:24 |

Ο Υπουργός αρνήθηκε ότι είχε υπονομευθεί μια άσκηση του ΝΑΤΟ

Ο Υπουργός Άμυνας Κρασιμίρ Καρακατσάνοφ απέρριψε τους ισχυρισμούς ότι με τη μη συμμετοχή στο «Ποσειδώνας-21», η Βουλγαρία έχει σαμποτάρει μια άσκηση του ΝΑΤΟ. Ο Καρακατσάνοφ σχολίασε τι ανάγκασε να σταματήσει η συμμετοχή των δύο βουλγαρικών πολεμικών..

04.03.21 13:21 |

Kryeministri Bojko Borisov është për bashkëpunim të ngushtë midis BE-së dhe NATO-s

Zbatimi i Programit Strategjik për Sigurim në periudhën 2019-2024 po vazhdon të jetë një angazhim kategorik i liderëve të BE-së, tha Kryeministri Bojko Borisov në video-konferencën të liderëve të bashkësisë. Tema kryesore në ditën e dytë të..

26.02.21 16:00 |

Defence Minister Karakachanov inspects Su-25 aircraft after overhaul

“There is no such thing as Russian or old airplanes, once they have been paid for by the Bulgarian citizens they are Bulgarian and will defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country,” Defence Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said..

26.02.21 15:29 |

Bulgariens Premier fordert engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen EU und NATO

Die Umsetzung des strategischen Sicherheitsprogramms 2019-2024 ist nach wie vor eine feste Verpflichtung der EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs, betonte Premierminister Bojko Borissow auf einer Videokonferenz der Staats- und Regierungschefs. Borissow brachte..

26.02.21 15:26 |

PM Borissov supports closer cooperation between EU and NATO

“The implementation of the strategic security programme during the 2019-2024 period continues to be a staunch commitment of the EU leaders,” said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a video conference of the EU leaders. The focus on the second day..

26.02.21 14:54 |

Ushtarakë bullgarë dhe maqedonas fluturuan së bashku për në Bruksel

Shefi i Mbrojtjes së Bullgarisë Adm. Emill Eftimov dhe Shefi i Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të Ushtrisë së Maqedonisë së Veriut gjenerallejtënant Vasko Gyrçinovski nisën së bashku me një aeroplan bullgar nga Aeroporti “Vrazhdebna” për në Bruksel. Në 27..

26.01.21 19:11 |
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