Eмисия новини
от 18.00 часа

3/4 des Bulgares ne font pas de sport...

88% des Bulgares estiment qu'il est important de faire du sport, mais plus de 3/4 ne pratiquent aucune activité physique. Tel est le constat d'un sondage de l'Institut TREND, sur commande d'un centre national de sport. A peine 23% des sondés font du sport..

15.12.22 10:35 |

Bulgarian weightlifter Karlos Nasar sets new world record and wins gold in Bogota

Karlos Nasar won gold in the clean and jerk and broke the world record at the World Weightlifting Championships in Bogota (Colombia). The 18-year-old Bulgarian made three unsuccessful attempts in the snatch, before achieving a..

12.12.22 14:38 |

Nga Italia në Japoni dhe në kthim – si Antoaneta u bë ambasadore e sportit dhe kuzhinës bullgare

Antoneta Salltova është një ish-konkurente e gjimnastikës ritmike në klubin sportiv të Plovdivit “Trakia”. Ajo ka marrë pjesë në kampionatet kombëtare, më vonë i bashkohet ekipit kombëtar bullgar të gjimnastikës ritmike dhe në vitin 1993, së bashku..

03.12.22 13:35 |

Bulgarian veterans win four gold and one silver medal at Balkan Judo Championship

Bulgarian athletes won four titles and a silver at the Balkan Judo Championship for veterans in the capital of Albania - Tirana. Ivaylo Popov /age group 35-39/, Dimitar Popov /40-45 years/, Boyko Ninov /50-55 years/ and Lyubomir Lapadatov, in the 70..

23.11.22 19:34 |
Photo : Facebook/@europeancapitalsandcitiesofsport

Biala devient la "Ville européenne du Sport"

La ville bulgare Biala (près de Varna), a été déclarée Ville européenne du Sport pour 2023. A cette occasion, elle organisera plus de 40 épreuves sportives dont des tournois de football, volleyball, tennis, street basketball, beach volley, cyclisme,..

20.11.22 12:35 |

Bjalla bëhet "Qyteti Evropian i Sporteve"

Qyteti bullgar Bjalla është shpallur Qyteti Evropian i Sporteve në vitin 2023. Qyteti i Detit të Zi do të presë mbi 40 aktivitete - turne futbolli, volejbolli, tenisi dhe basketbolli, gara orientimi, sporte plazhi, not, çiklizëm dhe triatlon, një..

20.11.22 11:45 |

Bulgaria's Byala will become "European City of Sport 2023"

The Bulgarian town of Byala has been named "European City of Sport 2023". Next year, the coastal town will host over 40 events - football, volleyball, tennis and street basketball tournaments, orienteering, beach sports, swimming, cycling and..

20.11.22 11:45 |

Kalina Atanasova wins silver medal in saber tournament in Istanbul

Kalina Atanasova won a silver medal in the saber tournament for cadets, which was held in Istanbul and was part of the program of the European Cup. The Bulgarian fencer showed an excellent performance and finished second out of 73 competitors. In..

07.11.22 19:12 |

Young Bulgarian volleyball players win the European bronze medals

The national team of Bulgaria won the bronze medals in the 2022 Men's U20 Volleyball European Championship. Bulgaria won 3:1 against Belgium in a match for the third place in Montesilvano, Italy. This is another major success for the..

26.09.22 10:06 |

Marinela Nineva and Hristiyan Stoyanov win Free Spirit Run Giurgiu-Ruse

220 participants from 10 countries took part in the fifth edition of the international Giurgiu-Ruse run. The beginning of the 15-kilometer race was set in the center of the Romanian city of Giurgiu and the final was in Bulgaria’s..

25.09.22 16:50 |
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