Bulgarian Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev said there were no plans for Bulgarian participation in the planned deployment of NATO forces in Baltic countries and Poland. NATO framework nations will have a leading role in that region, the Minister..
During the second day of the NATO summit taking place in Warsaw, participants discussed the continuation of the operation of the Alliance in Afghanistan. NATO will be providing 1 billion U.S. dollars annually for the Afghan forces, it was reported. NATO..
The Bulgarian National Assembly has ratified the Protocol of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for the accession of Montenegro to the organization. In submitting to parliament the protocol for ratification, the Council of Ministers has pointed..
In connection with security in the Black Sea region and Bulgaria’s position on the forthcoming NATO summit in Warsaw, Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov has told parliament that Bulgaria supports stronger NATO presence in the Black Sea with a view to..
A statement by Bulgarian Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev regarding the position of this country during the NATO summit meeting in Warsaw on July 8-9, 2016, reads that the priorities of this country are focused on creating strong deterrence and..
Bulgaria has always defended the idea on enhanced military trainings across the Black Sea, but only under the NATO flag, Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov stated, underlining the current debate within the Alliance on the more detailed formatting of this..
Bulgaria discusses with Romania and Turkey future participation in a regular NATO flotilla in the Black Sea, Bulgaria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov confirmed in Brussels. We continue the talks with our partners and with all NATO allies..
On Monday, US Assistant Secretary of State Frank Rose in charge of arms control, verification and compliance, arrives to Sofia. In Bulgaria Frank Rose is coming following a trip to Romania in connection with the activation of NATO’s Missile..
The multinational joint military training PLATINUM LION 16-3, part of the BLACK SEA ROTATIONAL FORCE 16.1, started on Monday in Novo Selo military training ground. The training is held between May 9 and May 15 with the participation of 315 soldiers,..
Forming a modern and efficient army able to guarantee the country’s national security, compatible with the armies of NATO allies and fit to carry out its tasks, should be completed successfully, said President Rosen Plevneliev at a ceremony for..