Eмисия новини
от часа
Dragomir Zakov

Bullgaria do të mbështetet te aleatët e NATO-s për të mbrojtur veten

Vizita e Ministrit të Mbrojtjes të SHBA-së Lloyd Austin në Bullgari është jashtëzakonisht domethënëse, tha për BNR ministri i Mbrojtjes Dragomir Zakov . Shefi i Pentagonit vjen në Sofje “jo sepse Bullgaria është hallka e dobët e Aleancës, por..

15.03.22 15:18 |

Sohn vom verunglückten Piloten reicht Klage gegen Luftwaffenstützpunkt ein

Der Sohn des im Juni verunglückten MiG-29-Piloten Walentin Tersiew verklagt den Luftwaffenstützpunkt Graf Ignatiewo wegen unbezahlter Überstunden. Die Klage wurde von seiner Mutter Dimitrina Popowa eingereicht, da der 12-jährige Alexander minderjährig..

21.10.21 19:15 |

The son of pilot Valentin Terziev, killed in plane crash in June, is suing Graf Ignatievo air base

The son of Valentin Terziev, the MiG-29 pilot who was killed in June, is suing Graf Ignatievo for unpaid overtime hours. Defence Minister: All decisions from the investigation of the MiG-29 crash have been correct The application was..

21.10.21 18:59 |

Air Policing στον ουρανό πάνω από τη Βουλγαρία και τη Ρουμανία

Δύο MiG-29 της αεροπορικής βάσης «Γκραφ Ιγκνάτιεβο» και δύο F-16 από το αεροδρόμιο «Φετέστι» της ρουμανικής Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας εκτέλεσαν με επιτυχία σήμερα την αποστολή Air Policing. Αυτό έγινε κατά τη διάρκεια των βουλγαρορουμανικών στρατιωτικών..

01.10.21 19:01 |

Έγιναν όλα τα απαραίτητα στη διερεύνηση για το MiG-29

Όλες οι αποφάσεις στη διερεύνηση του δυστυχήματος με το MiG-29, που έπεσε στη θάλασσα κοντά στη Σάμπλα και απεβίωσε ο πιλότος του, ο αντισυνταγματάρχης Βαλεντίν Τερζίεφ, ήταν σωστές, δήλωσε σε συνέντευξη Τύπου ο υπηρεσιακός υπουργός Άμυνας Γκεόργκι..

24.09.21 13:29 |
Minister of Defence Georgi Panayotov (first from the left) at the press conference

Defence Minister: All decisions from the investigation of the MiG-29 crash have been correct

“All decisions from the investigation of the MiG-29 crash, in which lieutenant colonel Valentin Terziev was killed, have been correct,” Minister of Defence Georgi Panayotov said at a press conference. MiG-29 fighter aircraft crashes into..

24.09.21 13:24 |

Crash du MiG-29: "Tout le nécessaire a été fait!"

"Toutes les décisions prises dans le cadre de l’enquête sur le crash de l'avion militaire MiG-29 en mer Noire qui a coûté la vie au pilote Valentin Terziev ont été justes", a déclaré lors d'une conférence de presse le ministre de la Défense Guéorgui..

24.09.21 13:12 |

Lexuan “kutinë e zezë” të MiG-29 të rrëzuar

Kutia e zezë e MiG-29 që u rrëzua në Detin e Zi pranë Shablla është lexuar. Megjithëqë akoma nuk ka konkluzion definitiv, rezultatet fillestare konfirmojnë përfundimet e bëra tashmë nga Policia Ushtarake, njoftoi Ministri i Mbrojtjes Georgi..

16.09.21 14:35 |

Rifilluan stërvitjet ushtarake në Shablla në Detin e Zi

Filloi pjesa e dytë e stërvitjes ushtarake në poligonin kundërajror në Shablla. Në manovra marrin pjesë edhe 3 aeroplanë gjuejtës MiG-29 nga Serbia. Qitja luftarake do të kryhet nga njësitë e raketave kundërajrore të Forcave Tokësore dhe Forcave..

08.09.21 10:14 |

Military exercise at Shabla in the Black Sea resumed

The second part has begun of the military exercise at the air defence range in Shabla. Three MiG-29 fighter aircraft from Serbia will be taking part in the maneuvers. The exercise will be conducted by the air defence units of the ground troops and..

08.09.21 09:41 |
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