Caretaker PM Galab Donev is paying a visit to the Republic of North Macedonia today where, at the invitation of his counterpart Dimitar Kovačevski, he is to take part in a ceremony to mark the start of the construction of the Eastern portion of..
The 21st meeting of the joint historical commission of Bulgaria and North Macedonia was held in Sofia on Thursday and Friday, BGNES reported. The debates ended without progress. On Friday, scientists from both countries once again..
“Behind the upcoming inauguration of the “Macedonian culture club” in Blagoevgrad is an individual purporting to be a non-existent public organization in the media,” Deputy Foreign Minister in the caretaker cabinet and ministry spokesman Kostadin..
After the official opening of two Bulgarian cultural clubs in Bitola and Ohrid, bearing the names of "Ivan Mihailov" and "Tsar Boris III", a bill with retrograde provisions was adopted at first reading in the parliament of North Macedonia. It..
The mayor of Blagoevgrad Ilko Stoyanov issued a statement regarding the planned opening of a North Macedonia culture club in the town, in which he points out that the municipality has neither banned, nor has it allowed the holding of this private..
“The opening of a North Macedonia culture club in Bulgaria’s Blagoevgrad on 30 October should not breed tension,” said the town’s municipal council chairman Radoslav Taskov, adding that he hoped the authorities in North Macedonia would not allow the..
At a meeting with North Macedonia’s Ambassador to Sofia Agneza Popovska, Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Milkov expressed concern about the latest developments in the relations between Sofia and Skopje related to the rights of..
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted strongly to the ideas by political parties in the Republic of North Macedonia to ban Bulgarian associations in the country by law. “The Republic of North Macedonia is launching the latest in a..
We are working on the open issues so that North Macedonia continues its path to the EU. But we are also fighting to preserve the rights of people with Bulgarian self-awareness, to guarantee the Bulgarian national interest, caretaker..
In the backdrop of North Macedonia's aspiration to join the European family quickly, events are taking place in the country that are in opposition to established values such as human rights, tolerance and respect for the right to..