‘Market Links’ ajansı araştırması, iktidar olan GERB Partisi ile şovmen Slavi Trifonov’un ‘ Böyle Halk Var’ oluşumunun ülke genelindeki seçmen desteğinin eşleşip yüzde 15 oranında seyrettiğini gösteriyor. Yüzde 13.5 olarak gerçekleşen destekle BSP..
A poll conducted by the Market Links agency shows that the electoral support for the ruling GERB party and the new political formation of popular TV showman Slavi Trifonov "Ima takav narod" (There are such people) at the national level is equal - 15%...
The results from the national referendum initiated by showman Slavi Trifonov and held alongside the presidential elections on 6 November are not mandatory, the Central Election Commission has announced. The referendum results cannot be..
In a historical context, not even a single project of nationalists or populists has contributed to human progress in the long term, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev contends in an interview for 24 Hours Daily. On the UK referendum the president..
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev has notified the Constitutional Court in connection with a Resolution of the National Assembly for holding a national referendum at the initiative of TV host Slavi Trifonov and regarding three of the referendum..