The Central Election Commission (CEC) has dismissed the complaint lodged by one of the coalitions registered for participation in the parliamentary elections in July, against interim Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and ministers from the caretaker..
Les municipalités ont payé 2,5 millions d’euros pour la désinfection des bureaux de vote pour les législatives régulières du 4 avril dernier. C’est ce qui a été annoncé dans le cadre d’une rencontre de l’Association nationale des municipalités en..
Durante una reunión con el primer ministro interino, Stefan Yanev, la Asociación Nacional de Municipios de Bulgaria ha insistido en que el Plan de Recuperación y Sostenibilidad sea presentado a la Comisión Europea con urgencia. Por su parte, el..
The National Association of Municipalities demanded, at a meeting with interim Prime Minister Stefan Yanev, that the national post-Covid recovery plan be submitted to the European Commission urgently. On his part PM Yanev said: “We have set..
La tenue d’élections libres, honnêtes et démocratiques fera l’objet de la rencontre d’aujourd’hui du premier ministre intérimaire Stefan Yanev avec l’Association nationale des municipalités en République de Bulgarie (L’ANMRB), a annoncé le centre de..
La celebración de elecciones libres, honestas y democráticas será uno de los temas que hoy abordarán el primer ministro interino, Stefan Yanev, y representantes de la Asociación Nacional de Municipios de Bulgaria, informa el centro de prensa del..
17 Haziran’da Makedonya Başbakanı Zoran Zaev’in Sofya’ya yaptığı ziyaret durgun başladı. Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti heyetinin gelmesine bir gün kala, Bulgaristan Dışişleri Bakanlığı, 24-25 Haziran tarihlerinde yapılacak Avrupa Zirvesi’nde..
The visit by the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev to Sofia on 17 June started out in a minor key and with the idea of playing it safe on both sides. One day before the arrival of the delegation from the Republic of North..
La visita a Sofía de Zoran Zaev, primer ministro de Macedonia del Norte, el 17 de junio, se inició con tonalidad baja y con el afán de los dos países de reasegurarse. El día anterior a la llegada de la delegación de la República de Macedonia del..
Başbakan Stefan Yanev, Makedon Haber Ajansına verdiği demeçte “ Bulgaristan ve Kuzey Makedonya arasındaki sorunun çözümü siyasetçilerin elindedir. T arihçiler siyasette aracı olmamalı, çünkü siyaset hükümetlerin sorumluluğudur” sözlerini..