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Twenty of the 28 Bulgarian administrative regions have lost a fifth of their workforce

Slowdown in investment and growth, pandemic, recession, rapid recovery, political instability, war in Ukraine, energy crisis in the Old Continent. Following in this order are the challenges that have changed the economic and social map of Bulgaria..

17.11.22 15:02 |

El crecimiento de la inflación sigue adelantándose al de los ingresos

Las desigualdades sociales y la inflación son dos de los principales problemas en la política de ingresos en Bulgaria. Si la inflación es un problema que se da en toda Europa y está provocado por factores externos como la guerra en Ucrania y el precio..

23.08.22 11:53 |

L’inflation continue d’augmenter plus vite que les revenus : 35% des Bulgares sont des travailleurs pauvres

La fracture sociale et l’inflation sont deux des problèmes majeurs de la politique des revenus en Bulgarie. Et si l’inflation est un problème européen provoqué par la guerre en Ukraine et le prix de l’énergie, l’immense fossé entre les Bulgares riches..

23.08.22 10:55 |

Rise of inflation continues to outpace income growth

Social inequalities and inflation are two of the leading problems in Bulgaria’s income policy. While inflation is a pan-European issue, provoked by external factors, such as the war in Ukraine, the price of energy carriers, etc., the wide gap between..

22.08.22 12:59 |

Siyasi istikrarsızlık ülkede yatırım iklimini kötüleştiriyor

Bulgaristan hükümeti güven oyu alamadı ve istifasını sundu.  Свързана публикация в текста:   Bulgaristan yine erken genel seçim rotasına girdi  Gensoru önergesi resmi bir meclis uygulaması olsa da, farklı sektörlerde reformların tehdit..

28.06.22 13:54 |

El Instituto de Economía de Mercado búlgaro expone ideas de Presupuesto Público alternativo

El Instituto de Economía de Mercado (IEM) ha presentado el tradicional Presupuesto Público alternativo para 2022. Por primera vez la presentación se ha hecho faltando un nuevo marco presupuestario. El proyecto de Presupuesto Público del Gobierno ha..

20.01.22 11:46 |

The poorest Bulgarians are permanently outside the scope of the anti-crisis support measures: Institute for Market Economics experts

2020 was the perfect social experiment, a serious stress test for the entire social system in the country, analysts from the Institute for Market Economics say. Back then, in the space of three weeks, around 90,000 people in Bulgaria..

06.07.21 13:20 |

Ekonomide bazı önkoşullarla kısmi toparlanma beklenilebilir

“Covid-19” kelimesinin en sık duydulduğu ve her alanda gerekli bakanlıkların destek için önemli paralar ayırdığı bir yıldan sonra, geçen zamanın bilançosunu yapmaya geldi sıra. BTA’ya konuşan Piyasa Ekonomisi Enstitüsü uzmanı Petar Ganev krizden..

12.03.21 11:39 |

Draft budget 2021 - high spending and many questions

The draft budget for 2021, submitted for discussion in the National Assembly by the Ministry of Finance, has provoked contradictory reactions and some confusion among the country's financiers. Perhaps most harsh in his..

23.10.20 13:05 |

El presupuesto público de Bulgaria, excedentario hasta finales de 2020

"En los primeros 9 meses del año el Presupuesto Público registra un superávit de 450 millones de euros y un año más nos esperan meses finales en los cuales se gastará mucho . Soy escéptico de que haya un déficit ya que no hay suficientes rubros en..

06.10.20 17:20 |
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