The visiting exhibition of the Regional Museum of History in Vratsa “Gods, symbols and ancient signs” opens at 11 AM on 11 May at the National Anthropological Museum under the auspices of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Experimental..
Una capilla formada en el hueco de una vieja morera en el patio del Museo Etnográfico de Vratsa es el regalo de Pascua que los artesanos de la Asociación de Artesanía Antigua del Noroeste hicieron para sus compatriotas con motivo de la Pascua. En la..
Every child dreams of having all the time in the world in which to play and enjoy piles of sweet delights. One of the most favorite, of course, is His Majesty the Chocolate. The first records of its appearance can be found as early as 2,000 years before..
Pe 17 aprilie, violoncelistul român Anton Niculescu și dirijorul turc Hakan Șensoy vor urca pe scena Sălii de concerte a orașului Vratsa împreună cu orchestra simfonică locală. Concertul face parte din programul de primăvară al instituției culturale...
La Bulgarie est un des plus gros producteurs d'huile essentielle de lavande dont 100% sont destinés à l'exportation. La demande est la plus forte aux Etats-Unis, en Allemagne, en France, Autriche, Pays-Bas, Inde, Grande-Bretagne, Espagne, Canada,..
A state of emergency has been declared in a number of districts in Bulgaria due to the severe weather conditions caused by the heavy snowfall over the weekend . The day will remain without classes for students in over 280 schools in 13 districts. T he..
Des chercheurs d’or se rassemblent sur le site naturel "Lédénika", près de Vratsa, pour la Foire annuelle organisée par l’Association bulgares des chercheurs de pépites d’or et de météorites. La foire aura lieu ce 15 juillet, au programme : des..
Sel felaketinden etkilenen bölgeler arasında olan Montana, Vratsa ve Sofya’dan şu ana kadar alınan destek başvurularının sayısı çok az. Bu vesileyle, Varna’da bulunan Çalışma ve Sosyal Politika Bakanı İvanka Şalapatova, hane halkına çağrıda..
Selon la ministre du Travail et de la politique sociale, Ivanka Chalapatova, très peu de demandes d'indemnisation ont été déposées après les inondations dans les régions de Montana, Vratsa et Sofia. Les ménages sinistrés sont priés d'envoyer rapidement..
A hazardous weather code orange warning has been issued for 15 districts of the country where heavy rainfall is expected. According to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, precipitation will be most intense in western and central Bulgaria...