Erori flagrante de guvernare, încălcarea regulilor și stingerea incendiilor în majoritatea ministerelor încă din prima zi - așa a descris premierul Nikolay Denkov ceea ce cabinetul său a moștenit de la guvernul interimar, în cadrul unui briefing susținut..
Blatant errors of government, breach of the rules and putting out fires in most ministries since day one – that is how Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov described what his cabinet inherited from the caretaker government, at a briefing given by the prime..
"Contractul dintre Bulgargaz și compania turcă Botaș este în întregime pentru rezervarea capacității terminalului de gaze și a rețelei de transport. Cu ajutorul acestuia nu furnizăm gaz rusesc", a dat asigurări ministrul interimar al Energiei, Rosen..
The bill on the ratification of an international agreement on the acquisition of another eight F-16C/D Block 70 fighter aircraft, ammunition, training and maintenance equipment is to be discussed in parliament today . Caretaker government..
The management of the largest armaments factory in Bulgaria Vazov Machine-Building Plant EAD (VMZ) has filed a report with the prosecutor's office about a contract that disadvantages the plant on a monthly basis, the company said. The..
There Is Such a People party (ITN) proposed that the contract with the Russian Gazprom be extended until a reliable supply source is found, and this is one of the reasons for the rupture in the relations between the government and the..
The caretaker government does not have the powers and is not conducting negotiations on the purchase of eight more F-16 Block 70 aircraft, the Ministry of Defence announced in connection with media publications that the government is allegedly..