The EU must return to its leading role in regulating the conflict in Ukraine, and not be content with the role of a bystander. This is what Bulgaria's Vice-President Iliana Iotova said at a discussion in Sofia on the topic "The European Union - border..
The French proposal gives the Republic of North Macedonia a chance to start EU accession talks after 17 years of waiting. This is a "transitional compromise with a roadblock in place," said Stevo Pendarovski, the president of the Republic of North..
Protests in North Macedonia against so-called French offer continue The violent protests in Skopje against the so-called French proposal for the launch of EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia, that have led to violent..
Bulgaria's outgoing foreign minister, Teodora Genchovska, has described as worrying the clashes and protests in Skopje because of the French proposal to start the EU membership negotiations for North Macedonia. "Let's give them the opportunity..
Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of all the proposals of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the ministry said in response to an inquiry. From there, they specify that the actions of the Bulgarian institutions..
French démarche towards North Macedonia for the negotiations with the EU At the NATO summit in Madrid, French President Emmanuel Macron said that there was a compromise solution on the negotiation framework of North Macedonia with..
The Council of Ministers have approved the position of Bulgaria on the offer of the French Presidency of the Council of EU for a common position of the European Union when it comes to the start of negotiations with the Republic of North..
"There is S uch a P eople" (ITN) party is ready to participate in the talks on the formation of a new cabinet, but not at all costs, the C hairman of the P arliamentary group of ITN Toshko Yordanov said at the consultations with..
The French offer for the start of EU membership talks with North Macedonia, recently adopted by the Bulgarian National Assembly, is correct and responsible, the Minister of Defense Dragomir Zakov has told BNR. The minister..
The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of North Macedonia has come out with a strong-worded position on hate speech in Bulgarian parliament, and has handed the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry a note verbale. The document reads that Skopje condemns, in..