Në një intervistë për televizionin publik austriak (ORF, Österreichischer Rundfunk), ministri i brendshëmaustriakGerhard Karner ripohoi qëndrimin e tij kundër zgjerimit të zonës Shengen, njoftoi BTA. Një komenti gazetaresk se Bullgaria dhe Rumania..
In an interview with the public Austrian television ORF, Austrian Minister of the Interior, Gerhard Karner, reaffirmed his firm position against the expansion of the Schengen area, BTA has reported. To a comment from journalists that Bulgaria and..
Dans une interview accordée à l’ORF, le ministre des Affaires étrangères de l’Autriche, Gerhard Karner, a confirmé sa position contre l’élargissement de l’espace Schengen, comme rapporté par l’agence BTA. En répondant à des journalistes ayant fait..
En una entrevista para la televisión pública austriaca (ORF, Österreichischer Rundfunk), el ministro del Interior austriaco, Gerhard Karner, reafirmó su firme posición contra la ampliación del Espacio Schengen, informó BTA. Ante el comentario de un..
In the framework of his participation in the EU Home Affairs Council in Brussels, Bulgarian Minister of the Interior Kalin Stoyanov met with the Federal Minister of the Interior of Austria Gerhard Karner . The focus of their talks was Bulgaria's..