In front of a packed room of literary connoisseurs at the iconic Rizzoli Bookstore in New York, Booker laureate Angela Rodel presented her translation of the novel The Case of Cem , one of Vera Mutafchieva's best-known works. The..
The Bulgarian Consulate General in New York congratulated grandmothers on Babinden (Maternity Care Day). “The role of Bulgarian grannies is particularly prominent in raising the Bulgarian children, even in the US. Besides the..
Școala bulgară Ghergana din New York a organizat o vânzare caritabilă de decorațiuni de Crăciun realizate de copiii de la studioul Îmbrățișează-mă din capitală. Elevii au decorat pomii de Crăciun cu frumoasele jucării din Bulgaria. Școala bulgară..
The Nativity of Christ is the holiday that at the end of every year gathers young and old alike in Bulgarian schools abroad. And social networks make it possible for us to see what and how the children of our compatriots have learned in the Bulgarian..
Tinerii matematicieni de la școala bulgară "Hristo Botev" din New York au obținut 8 medalii în prima etapă a concursului internațional "Matematică fără frontiere". La competiția din acest an au luat parte participanți din 29 de țări din întreaga lume...
După ce anul trecut au realizat o transcriere a cărții "Istoria slavo-bulgară" a lui Paisii Hilendarski, anul acesta absolvenții celei mai mari școli bulgare din New York au adus un omagiu eroului bulgar național Vasil Levski. Cu adorație și emoție..
Bulgaria was presented at the international food festival, organized by the Society of Foreign Consuls in New York, the Bulgarian Consulate General in New York has announced on Facebook. The Bulgarian table presented wines, home-made rakia..
At the Bulgarian Consulate General in New York, Ted Popoff met with Bulgarians living in the city and told them the story of his life spanning 9 decades – his immigration to the US in the 1970s, his work on the foundations of the World Trade Centre..
In the first days of October, the Bulgarian Marin Grigorov swam around the New York island of Manhattan. The water route is 47 km long and is known as the "20 bridges". It is the world's longest regulated one-day open water swim. Similar swimming tours..
The Consulate General of Bulgaria in New York hosted an emotional Bulgarian evening. On the occasion of Bulgaria’s Independence Day, dozens of Bulgarians and their families met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign..