Eмисия новини
от 15.00 часа

Nurgül Salimova participará en el torneo femenino World Title Challengers

Una de las mejores ajedrecistas búlgaras, Nurgül Salimova, participará con toda seguridad en el torneo femenino World Title Challengers. El torneo se celebrará en Toronto, Canadá, del 3 al 24 de abril. La Federación Internacional de Ajedrez (FIDE) ha..

03.01.24 16:59 |

Chess: Nurgyul Salimova to take part in Women's Candidates Tournament for the world title

One of Bulgaria’s top chess players Nurgyul Salimova will definitely be taking part in the Women's Candidates Tournament 2024. The tournament will take place in Toronto, Canada 3-24 April. Today, the International Chess Federation FIDE officially..

03.01.24 16:44 |
Ivan Çeparinov

Çeparinov dhe Salimova mbeten ndër elitën e shahut të shpejtë botëror

Shahistët bullgarë Ivan Çeparinov dhe Nurgyul Salimova tashmë nuk janë në pozitat drejtuese, por gjithsesi renditen ndër më të mirët në Kampionatin Botëror të Shahut të Shpejtë për meshkuj dhe femra në Samarkand. Pasi luajti gjithsej nëntë..

28.12.23 10:54 |

Cheparinov ve Salimova dünya hızlandırılmış satranç liderleri arasına girdi

Bulgaristan’ın en iyi erkek ve kadın satranç ustalarından İvan Cheparinov ve Nurgyul Salimova Senerkant’ta Dünya Erkek ve Kadın Hızlandırılmış Satranç Turnuvasında liderlik konumlarını kaybetse de, yine de dünyada en iyileri arasına girmeyi..

28.12.23 09:31 |
Ivan Cheparinov

Cheparinov and Salimova remain among elite at World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship

Bulgaria’s chess players Nurgyul Salimova and Ivan Cheparinov ceded the leadership positions at the World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship in Samarkand, but are still among the best players. Great start for the Bulgarians at World Rapid and..

28.12.23 09:28 |
Nurgyul Salimova

Début fulgurant des Bulgares au Championnat du Monde d’échecs Rapide et Blitz à Samarkande

Les joueuses d'échecs bulgares Nurgyul Salimova et Ivan Cheparinov ont dominé le classement féminin et masculin après la première journée du Championnat du monde d'échecs rapides et blitz dans la ville ouzbèke de Samarkande. L'équipe bulgare a pris un..

27.12.23 09:58 |
La selección nacional femenina de ajedrez con el título europeo en el campeonato de Budva

Las ajedrecistas búlgaras logran el mayor éxito deportivo del año

Las brillantes mentes de Nurgül Salimova, Guergana Peycheva, Antoaneta Stefanova, Viktoria Radeva y Beloslava Krasteva trajeron el mayor éxito deportivo para Bulgaria en 2023 con el título conquistado en el Campeonato de Europa de Ajedrez por Equipos..

21.12.23 11:05 |
Women's national chess team wins European title at Budva championship.

Bulgaria's biggest sporting achievement of 2023 is chess

The beautiful minds of Nurgul Salimova, Gergana Peycheva, Antoaneta Stefanova, Victoria Radeva and Beloslava Krasteva brought Bulgaria its greatest sporting success in 2023, winning the European Team Chess Championship in Budva, Montenegro...

21.12.23 07:45 |
Die bulgarische Nationalmannschaft

Bulgarinnen holen sich die europäische Schachkrone

Die bulgarischen Schachspielerinnen haben bei der Mannschaftseuropameisterschaft in Budva, Montenegro, den europäischen Mannschaftstitel gewonnen. Nurgyul Salimova, Antoaneta Stefanowa, Beloslawa Krastewa und Gergana Pejtschewa erzielten den..

21.11.23 10:07 |

Bulgarian girls with guaranteed medals at European Team Chess Championship

The Bulgarian national women’s chess team earned their 5 th successive victory at the European Team Chess Championship in Budva, and with 14 points, came one more step closer to winning the first title in history. In the penultimate 8 th..

20.11.23 09:23 |
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