A finales de agosto, Tsanko Tsankov, el único búlgaro que ha cruzado nadando el Estrecho de Gibraltar, participará en una de las siete maratones a nado más duras del mundo: desde la Isla Catalina hasta las costas de Los Ángeles, en el Océano Pacífico...
Bulgaria's Tsanko Tsankov has won the Strait of Gibraltar swimming marathon. The Bulgarian marathon swimmer covered the distance of 16 km and 750 m from Tarifa (Spain) to Punta Cires (Morocco) in 3 hours, 56 minutes and 3 seconds. A strong final..
Las malas condiciones climáticas en el océano Atlántico interrumpieron el cruce a nado de Europa a África a través del estrecho de Gibraltar del competidor búlgaro Tsanko Tsankov, informa el sitio web Sportal.bg. La competición comenzó de manera..
T he Strait of Gibraltar S wim ming Crossing has been suspended due to bad weather. Bulgarian swimmer Tsanko Tsankov has also taken part in the channel swim between Spain and Morocco , the website Sortal.bg reported. The competition..
Sortal.bg sitesinin haberine göre, Atlantik Okyanusu'ndaki kötü hava koşullarından dolayı, Bulgar yarışmacı Tsanko Tsankov’un Cebelitarık Boğazı üzerinden Avrupa’dan Afrika’ya yüzmesi durduruldu . Yarış Tsanko Tsankov için mükemmel başladı..
Le mauvais temps dans l'océan Atlantique a interrompu la tentative de Tsanko Tsankov de franchir à la nage le détroit de Gibraltar séparant l'Europe de l'Afrique, annonce le site Sportal.bg. La traversée avait très bien commencé pour le Bulgare qui menait..
Le 6 septembre Tsanko Tsankov s’adonnera à un nouvel exploit : il sera le premier Bulgare à participer à la traversée à la nage du détroit de Gibraltar séparant l’Afrique de l’Espagne dans le cadre du défi sportif Ocean Seven. Le coup d’envoi sera..
On September 6, Tsanko Tsankov will embark on his next challenge - he will become the first Bulgarian to participate in the crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar between Spain and Africa, part of the Ocean's Seven marathon chain . The start is in..
Sosyal hayatın önüne perde çeken bu 2020 yılında, birçok Bulgaristan vatandaşı üstün başarıya imza attı. Gerek yüzme mesafesinde dünya rekoru, gerek müzik kariyerinin muhasebesi, veya oryantal stilde ev ve sarayları dekore etmek veya da dünyanın en iyi..
In the year that drew a curtain on public activities, many Bulgarians managed to assert themselves through outstanding achievements - a world record in swimming, a story about the world around us through the photographic lens, a..