“Almost 1 in 10 women in Bulgaria say they have suffered threats of physical violence,” Minister of Labor and Social Policy Ivanka Shalapatova said at the forum “Measures for combating domestic and gender-based violence”, organized by the Animus..
We are seeing an escalation of domestic violence after the coronavirus epidemic, a survey on gender-based domestic violence shows. One of the main conclusions is that Bulgarian families only regard physical violence as a problem, and all other forms..
In the city of Dobrich, North-Eastern Bulgaria, a march in defence of women's rights was held mottoed "Not one more" . Participants demanded changes to the Domestic Violence Act and mechanisms to prevent domestic violence and to support its victims...
At the General Affairs Council meeting on February 21, the Council decided by a qualified majority to request the consent of the European Parliament to adopt the decisions on the conclusion by the EU of the convention on preventing and combatting..
With protests in Sofia and Plovdiv, various organizations mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women today. Unofficial statistics indicate that more than 20 murders of women were committed this year as a..
Five actresses with bloodied and distorted faces send a cry for help in the center of the Bulgarian capital. Entering the role of victims, they started #nesisama (you are not alone) - a campaign against domestic violence against women. Posters with their..
The Sofia City Council, jointly with the Animus Foundation presented the launch of a new social service “Legal clinic” for women and children, victims of domestic violence, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports. The new social service will provide..
“Domestic violence is an exceedingly grave problem, on a world scale, as was as in Bulgarian society, and it frequently remains within the family. The exacerbation of this problem, especially in the conditions of pandemic, has made its resolution a..
More than 400 books were sold at a charity Christmas bazaar in the town of Silistra (Northeastern Bulgaria) in support of victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. The books were donated by residents of Silistra. Some of them are new and..
According to the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the WHO, one in three women is a victim of violence, and since the beginning of anti-epidemic measures and isolation, the situation has deteriorated in many homes. The..