In connection with increasing migrant pressure on Bulgaria the Ministry of Interior has started a series of meetings in border regions. Talking to municipal officials in Malko Tarnovo, Southeastern Bulgaria, the Interior Ministry Chief Secretary..
A specialized police force operation on the Bulgaria-Turkey border begins today aimed to curb migration and human trafficking. It has been prompted by the double increase in migration pressure since the beginning of this month, said in Burgas the..
Eighty-seven foreign nationals have been detained over the past 24 hours as they tried to cross illegally the Bulgarian-Serbian border, Border Police General Directorate said. About 8 pm last night a border policeman from the town of Tran found 54..
Turkey has offered a bilateral mechanism to Bulgaria for cooperation over migrants, BTA reports. The agency refers to the words of Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim who has talked over the phone with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borissov...
It is of great significance for Bulgaria to maintain good relations with Turkey. We must not allow the migrant wave to flood Bulgaria, Premier Boyko Borissov said in an interview for Nova TV. The documents of Turkey’s businessman Abdullah Buyuk who..
The government has endorsed a regulation on the terms and conditions for the conclusion of agreements on the integration of foreign nationals who have been given international protection in Bulgaria. The State Agency for Refugees is obligated to put..
Bulgaria’s Supreme Court of Cassation issued a two year sentence in prison of a man who tried to smuggle migrants to Romania and pay a bribe to a customs officer. The man named Kemal Turan tried to smuggle the migrants in April last year. The..
The number of migrants in Greece has exceeded 53,000 , the authorities in the country say. They are mostly concentrated in the Northern part of the country that borders on Bulgaria and Macedonia. The migrants there number in excess of 22,000.
Bulgaria’s Border Police detained 40 Afghani nationals, 11 Pakistani citizens and 5 Syrians in their attempt to cross illegally the Bulgaria-Serbia border. The policemen stopped three cars on the road close to Kalotina border checkpoint. 26 foreign..
Delegations of the ministers of the interior of Bulgaria and Macedonia discussed at the Deve Bair border checkpoint, the migration pressure towards the two countries and the measures taken for protecting the borders. A high assessment was..