Eмисия новини
от 07.00 часа

Ivan Vazov – the eyewitness of Bulgaria’s Liberation, Unification and Independence

A century ago, on September 22, 1921, the patriarch of Bulgarian literature Ivan Vazov closed his eyes for the last time, bequeathing to the generations some of the most beautiful words dedicated to Bulgaria. His adoration and sincere love of..

22.09.21 09:05 |

Ivan Vazov – bashkëkohësi i lirisë bullgare, Bashkimit dhe Pavarësisë

Para një shekulli, më 22 shtator të vitit 1921, Ivan Vazov u nda nga jeta, duke lënë trashëgimi disa nga fjalët më të bukura kushtuar Bullgarisë. Adhurimin dhe dashurinë e tij të sinqertë e zbulojmë në tregimet, udhëtimet, romanet, dramat,..

22.09.21 08:15 |

“Beautiful Child”– an everlasting song about the first day of school

The first schools in Bulgaria were opened in the 9 th century. They were founded by Boris I of Bulgaria, also known as Boris-Mihail, after the arrival of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius. During the Ottoman rule, almost every Bulgarian..

15.09.21 17:30 |
Ivan Vazov National Theatre

“Theatre in front of the theatre” is back under the open skies

After a two-year pause due to the pandemic, “Theatre in front of the theatre”, the biggest outdoor event by the Ivan Vazov National National Theatre is back under the open skies. As the new season is about to open the national theatre will..

13.09.21 06:30 |

Celebration of 171st anniversary of Ivan Vazov's birth at Mezdra railway station

Participants in celebrations dedicated to the 171st anniversary of the birth of the most renowned Bulgarian writer, Ivan Vazov, will arrive in the town of Mezdra by train, pulled by BDZ’s huge steam locomotive nicknamed “Baba Metsa.” Vazov is..

07.08.21 04:20 |

Escalade du mont Kom…

Pour la 5 e année consécutive la Municipalité de Berkovitsa organise l’escalade en masse du mont Kom dans le Balkan le 17 juillet, samedi. L’occasion pour cet événement est le 171 e anniversaire de la naissance du patriarche de la littérature bulgare,..

13.07.21 08:00 |

Kom Tepesine tırmanış

Berkovitsa Belediyesi , Bulgar edebiyatının “Patriği” olarak adlandırılan yazar Ivan Vazov’un 171. Doğum Yıldönümü nedeniyle 17 Temmuz, Cumartesi günü, art arda altıncı yıldır Stara Planina/Sıra Dağlar’ın Kom Tepesine tırmanış düzenliyor.  BNR..

13.07.21 05:50 |

Christo Botev: un homme, un hymne, une révolution...

Chaque année, le 2 juin, la Bulgarie rend hommage à Christo Botev, poète et révolutionnaire de talent, un des grands noms dans l’histoire de la Bulgarie dont la contribution est essentielle pour les guerres de libération de notre pays du joug..

02.06.21 10:22 |

Song about Hristo Botev

Revolutionary, poet, journalist, publisher. In his brief lifetime Hristo Botev wrote around 20 poems, even so the body of his work is considered to be the apex of Bulgarian literature. Deeply emotional, the verses he wrote when Vassil Levski..

02.06.21 08:50 |

Këngë për Botevin

Revolucionar, poet, gazetar, botues, gjatë jetës së vet të shkurtër Hristo Botev krijoi rreth 20 vjershash. Megjithëqë krijimtaria e tij nuk është e madhe për nga vëllimi edhe më sot ajo konsiderohet një majë në letërsinë bullgare. Emocionuese dhe..

02.06.21 06:05 |
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