We do not rule out the possibility of setting up field hospitals. However, we must find doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants first. Currently, we are experiencing shortage of medical staff , Bulgaria’s Minister of Health Professor Kostadin..
The peak of the influenza epidemic in Bulgaria is expected in December and January which will further complicate the situation with Covid-19 pandemic, immunologist Academician Bogdan Petrunov pointed out in an interview for BNT. We can speak of..
In case of exceptional circumstances, the budget deficit may exceed the threshold set at 3% of the GDP ,a draft of Bulgaria’s Ministry of Finance reads, investor.bg informs. The global Covid-19 pandemic and economic stagnation put the fiscal..
The 60/40 wage support scheme is to continue functioning after October 1, yet under different conditions, Bulgaria’s Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva told representatives of business and labor unions, reporter Tsvetelina Stoyanova..
2.25% newly detected Covid-19 cases out of 7026 PCR tests 158 new cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Bulgaria for the past 24 hours,data of the Single Information Portal show. 7026 PCR tests have been performed for the past..
By September 4, 2020, over EUR 100 million from the anti-crisis package has been allocated by the Ministry of Economy to business and citizens amid Covid-19 pandemic , data of this country’s ministry published on its website show. Over EUR 43 million..
For many Bulgarian and foreign tourists the Covid-19 pandemic seems to have shattered the traditional idea of a summer vacation by the sea. Consequently the resorts along the Bulgarian Black Sea coastline now stand all but empty. However,..
In May 2020 industrial production in the EU increased with 11.4%, thus making up for some of the collapse registered in the previous two months caused by the Covid-19 pandemic . However, industrial production in Bulgaria in May continued to..
Premier Borissov: I do not think new lockdown is right Much more developed countries than us still have no solution. The United States is leaving the World Health Organization. Belgrade has implemented measures and you can see how people react..
Bulgaria's GDP in 2020 will shrink by 7.1%, and in 2021 will return to a growth of 5.3 percent, according to the summer economic forecast of the European Commission . In May, Brussels forecast a decline in the Bulgarian economy of 7.2% for 2020 and..