The number of Bulgarians attending theater performances has increased and the number of people going to the cinema decreased last year. In 2018 there were 69 cinemas and 226 cinema screens in this country. The number of film shows fell with 2.1% and..
A Eurostat analysis of some cultural preferences of Europeans in 2016 shows that Bulgarians preferred going to the cinema to concerts, performances or other outdoor events. Around 6,500 different films were screened in Bulgaria, of them..
The Bulgarian movie Viktoria by Maya Vitkova has entered the list of best movies of 2016 of the popular US edition The New Yorker. Earlier, the Bulgarian cinema received another international recognition when Theodore Ushev’s animation Blind Vaysha..
Un film bulgare remporte pour la première fois le Grand prix du plus prestigieux festival de courts-métrages dans le monde. Le film Honneur a été également nominé pour les Prix européens du cinéma lors de la cérémonie de clôture de la 36 e édition..