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Sofia introduces local restrictions against Covid-19 pandemic

From March 12 until March 26, all students from 5th to 12th grade in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia are to switch over to distance learning. In-person classes in universities will be suspended. The extracurricular activities will be held online as well. All..

10.03.21 15:28 |

Restaurateurs oppose idea of new restrictions

The Bulgarian Association of Establishments and the Association of Restaurants in Bulgaria have described any tightening of measures related to their business as "absolutely unacceptable." Yesterday, the Minister of Health..

09.03.21 11:08 |

Covid-19 : Jour 359

La Bulgarie plaide pour une circulation libre et des frontières ouvertes dans le but de sauver le tourisme Nous soutenons la création de « corridors verts rapides » destinés aux personnes vaccinées et à celles qui ont déjà contracté le..

01.03.21 19:33 |

Covid-19 in Bulgaria: Day 359

Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism calls for open borders and free travel Bulgaria supports the creation of "fast, green corridors" for vaccinated people and those who have already recovered from Covid-19. Meanwhile, travel restrictions should..

01.03.21 19:29 |

Ouverture des restaurants mais pas des bars et boîtes de nuit

A partir du 1 mars rouvriront les restaurants après l’assouplissement des mesures antiépidémiques sur ordre du ministre de la Santé. Les places dans les restaurants ne doivent être occupées qu’à 30% et une distance sociale de 1.5 m devra être..

01.03.21 08:10 |

Restaurants reopen for customers, nightclubs remain closed

On March 1, restaurants and entertainment venues reopen for customers. By order of Bulgaria’s Minster of Health, the catering establishments are required to work at no more than half their seating capacity, with no more than six customers per table...

01.03.21 06:00 |

Boyko Borissov: "Mars sera un mois critique!"

“Les restaurants vont rouvrir le lundi soir, mais vous devez expliquer à leurs clients que nous sommes en pleine pandémie". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le premier ministre Boyko Borissov lors de sa visite à Tchirpan. "Si nous rouvrons les restaurants ce n'est..

27.02.21 14:15 |

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov: March will be a critical month

The fact that we are opening restaurants does not mean that everyone should go and get infected," Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov said today during a visit to the town of Chirpan.    The Prime Minister stressed that he relies on the sense of..

27.02.21 14:13 |

Covid-19 en Bulgarie : Jour 354

R é ouverture des restaurants le 1er mars... „ Avec près de 150 000 Bulgares vaccinés jusqu'à présent et un rythme soutenu de la vaccination, les restaurants et les salles de jeux peuvent rouvrir le 1er mars. Les discothèques et..

24.02.21 19:30 |

Restaurants reopen on March 1, nightclubs - on April 1

"With nearly 150,000 Bulgarian citizens vaccinated so far, and with this rate of vaccination, restaurants and gambling halls will be open on March 1, while nightclubs will reopen on April 1," Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said during..

24.02.21 13:26 |
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