Anxiety in Bulgaria's society caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is rising again after the decrease registered in April. Earlier, 51% of the polled were worried that they, or their family members, may get infected with the virus . At the end of June, 60%..
The beaches on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast are full on the first weekend of July, the Bulgarian National Television announced . The tourism sector shows optimism about this year’s tourist season for the first time. Some hotels are almost fully booked..
Bulgaria will have access to financial resource to the tune of more than EUR 29 billion in the next programming period. For the purpose, this country has to determine the priority areas and funding mechanisms by September. The anti-crisis funds will..
The Covid-19 pandemic will slow down the upgrade of First Professional Football League in Bulgaria. The VAR system, which is already used in leading football championships in Europe, the UEFA Champions League and Europa League, had to be..
The state has prepared a measure in support of bus carriers who were seriously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic , Bulgaria’s Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy Zornitsa Rusinova said in an interview for Darik Radio. As of July 1, the..
The American Credit Rating Agency S&P Global Ratings (previously Standard & Poor’s) has confirmed the long-term and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Bulgaria at 'BBB/A-2' and revised the country’s..
Bulgaria started developing the “Wine Storage” measure which will be included in the National Programme for Support for the Wine Sector. The decision was taken at a video-conference meeting between Bulgaria’s Minister of Agriculture and Food..
As the Covid-19 pandemic was raging economic experts and analysts warned that the world was facing the deepest economic crisis, comparable to the great depression of the 1930s. According to European Commission forecasts..
Restricted time intervals for entry and exit of Sofia revoked – entry now possible at any hour Bulgaria’s Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev issued a regulation amending the old provision that was restricting travel by car for work in Sofia to two..
Registered Covid-19 infections in Bulgaria reach 894 The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Bulgaria as of 5 pm Bulgarian time on April 19, 2020, have reached 894 according to data from the National Crisis Staff. There have been 10..