The co-chairman of "Democratic Bulgaria" Hristo Ivanov announced in an interview with BNR that there was no need for a coalition council of the ruling parties tomorrow . According to him, after the changed positions of "We continue the change" and..
Today, the parliamentary committee on regional policy will consider two draft decisions on the case with the due payments to road maintenance and road repair companies. One came from ITN party and the other - from "We continue the change" and "Democratic..
Hristo Ivanov, co-chair of Democratic Bulgaria, which is part of the ruling coalition, called on the opposition in parliament to support the judicial reform which can be attained by way of constitutional changes. Addressing parliament, Hristo Ivanov..
Democratic Bulgaria will submit a proposal to the country’s Parliament to raise the VAT registration threshold as of the beginning of 2023, which would bring prices and inflation down, MP Martin Dimitrov announced. Late payment interest rates..
In a parliamentary declaration, the co-ruling Democratic Bulgaria formation has demanded that Russian Ambassador to Bulgaria Eleonora Mitrofanova be declared a persona non grata. The political formtation believes that Mitrofanova's behaviour is in..
The question of rendering Ukraine military assistance was not put to discussion at the coalition defence council, convened by the formations from the ruling coalition. “We had a conversation regarding the overall organization of the Ministry of..
Democratic Bulgaria, which is part of the ruling coalition in the country, is beginning consultations on reaching agreement for rendering Ukraine military technical assistance, depending on what its needs and capabilities are , Democratic Bulgaria..
The only candidate for the post of leader of "Yes, Bulgaria", Hristo Ivanov, remains at the helm of the party, despite his resignation after last November's parliamentary elections. The decision was made today, at the party's National Conference,..
Regarding Russia’s demand that NATO withdraw its military forces from Bulgaria and Romania, PM Kiril Petkov made an official statement in the National Assembly. In his words, within the frameworks of its NATO membership, Bulgaria makes..
The c oalition "Democratic Bulgaria" , which is part of the ruling majority, will raise the issue of lustration to make sure that no people from the former State Security become part of the government, the C hairman of the parliamentary group..