Bullgaria hodhi poshtë informacionet e publikuara në disa media gjermane dhe britanike, të cilat citojnë një hetim gazetaresk, sipas të cilit qëndrimi ndaj refugjatëve në Bullgari, Hungari dhe Greqi është i keq. Në këto media Agjencisë së BE-së për..
According to the annual analysis of the Bulgarian Border Police, the migration pressure on the Bulgarian borders fell with 84%, the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior informs. However, the situation along the state border is still dynamic due to the..
At 4 am today, the crew of the Bulgarian Obzor Border Ship, which participates in patrol operations part of Operation Poseidon under the direction of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex, detected two inflatable boats with..
About 20 percent of EU aid is for accommodation. Part of the amount will be used to return about 1000 migrants to Afghanistan. The rest of the aid is for equipment, Interior Minister Rumiana Bachvarova said in parliament. More than 400 jeeps will..
Four Polish officers from the European border agency Frontex have received minor injuries as their car clashed with a tram in Sofia’s center. No passengers in the tram have been hurt.The Polish border guards are part of the team that supports the..
The European border agency Frontex will deploy 100 border surveillance officers in Bulgaria to help reinforce the country’s borders . Fifteen of them will be deployed at the border checkpoints and 85 – at the green borders. In response to the..
Frontex, the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the EU will strengthen control at Bulgaria's borders with Turkey and Serbia. The decision was taken at the request of Bulgarian authorities. The agency..
In a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has discussed the complicated and difficult situation related to the ongoing migrant crisis. Saying that Bulgaria needed to use additional number..
In the event of outstanding migration pressure, Bulgaria will dispatch people to the EU’s external borders, as part of the new European Border and Coast Guard Agency, said European Parliament rapporteur Artis Pabriks. The new agency, planned..
България ще бъде включена в новата Европейската гранична и брегова служба, въпреки че страната не е част от Шенгенското пространство. Комисията по правосъдие и вътрешни работи на Европейския парламент одобри законодателно изменение, внесено от..