The competent institutions will carry out weekly monitoring and collect Black Sea water samples more frequently, in order to detect possible contamination as a result of the war in Ukraine. In this regard, the district administrations of Varna and..
The state institutions are doing everything to ensure the safe evacuation of Bulgarian sailors from the Tzarevna ship at Mariupol , Bulgaria's President Rumen Radev commented. "At the moment, though, it is better to refrain from discussing the topic, if..
Evacuation of 14 people from the crew of the Tzarevna is underway - 13 Bulgarians and one Ukrainian citizen, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said. The crew of the Bulgarian bulk carrier Tzarevna have been stranded in the port of Mariupol since the..
The war in Ukraine and soaring inflation have not prevented people to travel abroad. Foreign nationals, mostly from the European Union and the Balkan countries book cheap flights to spend a weekend in Bulgaria’s capital city Sofia...
A string of domestic and foreign policy crises and no 100-day tolerance. Such are the circumstances in which the ruling majority has been working in Bulgaria, a majority which constitutes a complex structure made up of four parties with very..
December 2020. The world is in the grips of the Covid-19 pandemic. For the first time in its 100-year long history, the Ivan Radoev Drama and Puppet Theatre in Pleven premiered, online, “Insulted. Berlarus” as part of an international initiative..
The crew of the Tsarevna which has been stranded in the port of Mariupol, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, is in good health and has food for another 15 days. This was made clear after a telephone conversation between the captain..
Leaders of "Stand up, BG!” movement and former MPs Arman Babikyan and Nikolai Hadzhigenov were arrested for 24 hours , after they threw red paint at the sign of the Russian embassy in Sofia. They commented that by this act they expressed..
Russia has declared two employees of the Bulgarian embassy in Moscow persona non grata as a retaliatory measure , TASS reported, citing a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry . Bulgaria declares 10 Russian diplomats persona non grata..
Greece to increase coal-fired energy production to cut natural gas needs We will expand energy cooperation against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, which has strengthened the focus on European energy dependence. This was..