El "Botev Plovdiv" organiza hoy un baile benéfico para celebrar el 113 aniversario de su fundación. Los fondos recaudados serán destinados a dos campañas: a la construcción de un monumento al legendario futbolista Dinko Dermendzhíev-Chico y a la..
“Botev Plovdiv” futbol takımı kuruluşunun 113. yılını hayırsever balo ile kutlayacak. Balodan toplanacak paralarla efsane ftbolcu Dinko Dermenciev- Chiko’nun anıtını kurma ve “Sveti Georgi” Tam Teşekküllü Yoğun Tedavi Üniversite..
“Botev Plovdiv” organizon sot, 11 mars, një ballo bamirësie për të festuar 113 vjetorin e themelimit të klubit profesionist të futbollit. Mjetet e mbledhura do të mbështesin dy fushata - për ndërtimin e monumentit të futbollistit..
Clubul de fotbal „Botev Plovdiv” sărbătorește 113 ani cu un bal caritabil Clubul de fotbal „Botev Plovdiv” organizează astăzi un bal caritabil, în cadrul căruia va sărbători 113 ani de la înființarea clubului profesionist de fotbal. Fondurile strânse..
“Botev Plovdiv” football club is organizing a charity ball today, at which it will celebrate the 113th anniversary of the founding of the professional football club. The funds raised will support two campaigns – for the construction of a monument to..
CSKA 1948 defeated the Cypriot football team Pafos 2:1 in the third qualifying round of the Conference League tournament. Muamer Tankovic put Pafos ahead in the 10 th minute. Mario Iliev equalized in the 29 th minute. In the 51 st minute Thalis..
The holder of the Bulgarian Cup Botev Plovdiv qualified for the second qualifying round of the football tournament UEFA Europa League after a 2-2 draw against Maribor, Slovenia. In the first match Botev Plovdiv won by 2-1. In the 13 th..
Botev Plovdiv won 2-1 at home against Maribor (Slovenia) in the first qualifying round of the Europa League football tournament. Anthony Ujah scored the first goal for Botev. Pijus Sirvys equalized following a goalkeeper's mistake. Minutes after..