The Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office has initiated pre-trial proceedings regarding an organized criminal group for the trafficking of migrants, the prosecutor’s office has announced. Evidence was collected during the investigation regarding 16..
Μετά από ευρωπαϊκή εντολή έρευνας που εκδόθηκε από τη Γερμανία, η Εισαγγελία της Σόφιας και η αστυνομία ερευνούν διεθνή συμμορία οργανωμένου εγκλήματος η οποία πραγματοποιεί απάτες με χρηματοοικονομικά μέσα. Η Εισαγγελία ανακοίνωσε ότι η..
En la reunión anual en La Haya de los fiscales generales de los países de la Unión Europea, el fiscal general de Bulgaria, Iván Gueshev, ha expresado recelos de que, al producirse el cierre del tribunal y la fiscalía especializados, los compromisos..
At the annual meeting of Prosecutors General of the EU countries in The Hague, Bulgarian Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev expressed concerns that if the specialized court and specialized prosecutor's office were closed, the..
Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft und die Polizei zerschlugen einen kriminellen Ring, der sich mit dem illegalen Handel von digitalen Finanzinstrumenten befasst und rund 30 Millionen Euro ergaunert hat. Die Polizeiaktion fand in 7 Ländern statt –..
The S pecialized P rosecutor's O ffice and Bulgaria’s P olice took part at an international operation against a transnational criminal group responsible for fraud ulent trading in financial instruments to the tune of EUR 30..
Prokurori i përgjithshëm Sotir Cacarov dhe Zv.Kryeprokurori Ivan Geshev zhvilluan një takim pune në Hagë me Presidentin e “Eurojust” Ladislav Harman. Temat kryesore të bisedimeve kanë qenë bashkëpunimi në kundërvënien e kriminalitetit të organizuar..