There are no reports of serious problems with the election day in Turkey for Bulgarian citizens voting in the early parliamentary elections, reports the special envoy for the elections there Maria Petrova. Voting is being done en masse by machines, but..
Starting October 11, 2024, a Turkish shipping company will operate a ferry connection between Istanbul and Burgas. It will mainly transport tourists who are in Turkey and want to come on a sea trip to Bulgaria for a day or two, Maria..
On September 14, the school bell rang for 65 students and teachers at the Bulgarian Sunday school "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Istanbul. In the Bulgarian Exarchate, which houses the only Bulgarian school in the metropolis, a..
Le maire d’Istanbul a critiqué l’Accord sur l'immigration entre la Turquie et l'UE Le maire d’Istanbul, opposant du président Erdogan, Ekrem İmamoğlu, a critiqué l’accord que la Turquie a signé en 2016 avec l’UE prévoyant le retour sur son..
Das Interesse der in der Türkei lebenden Bulgaren konzentriert sich vor allem auf die Parlamentswahl in Bulgarien . Der Grund dafür ist, dass die meisten Wähler dort das Wohnsitzerfordernis nicht erfüllen und deshalb nicht an der Europawahl teilnehmen..
Edi Rama cherche une salle pour rencontrer la diaspora albanaise Tous les partis grecs ont estimé qu’une visite du premier ministre de l’Albanie Edi Rama à Athènes serait peu souhaitable. Rama voudrait rencontrer la diaspora albanaise le 12..
Many Greeks choose the new option of voting by mail More than 157,000 Greek citizens have registered to vote by mail at the election for European Parliament on 9 June, the Kathimerini newspaper writes, citing official data. Around 116,000 of the..
Rain showers will temporarily stop overnight from the west. Clouds will be variable on Monday, often decreasing to mostly sunny spells. It will be windy with moderate, in the Danube Plain and eastern Bulgaria - strong winds from the west-northwest...
Serbia nu este mulțumită de recomandarea APCE ca Kosovo să devină membru al Consiliului Europei Comisia pentru afaceri politice și democrație a Adunării Parlamentare a Consiliului Europei a dat un aviz pozitiv asupra cererii de aderare a Kosovo..
Mitsotakis vrea "dialog deschis cu drumuri deschise" de la fermierii protestatari Premierul grec Kyriakos Mitsotakis i-a avertizat pe fermierii care protestează în țară că guvernul este deschis la dialog, dar cu condiția ridicării blocajelor..