There is no threat to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast following the spill of Russian oil in the Kerch Strait connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, former Bulgarian Minister of the Environment Borislav Sandov commented for the Bulgarian National..
So far, several foreign cargo ships remain in the port of the southeastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, including the Bulgarian Tzarevna bulk carrier. After the Russian side informed the World Maritime Organization that it was providing blue corridors,..
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Assen Vassilev urged the European Commission to clarify whether the different countries of the EU are being treated differently by Gazprom, and whether there is any breach of the sanctions by companies..
It is possible for the sailors on board the Tzarevna ship to be evacuated. According to Sevda Kaloyanova, who is a colleague of the sailors and has worked for the company which owns the ship, the crew of 17 Bulgarian and 3 Ukrainian sailors are well..
Regarding information published in news sites that a Bulgarian ship sank in the Sea of Azov and the crew died, the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense made an official statement and refuted the rumors. According to the Ministry of Defense,..