Eмисия новини
от 18.00 часа
Vladimir Dimitrov

Bulgarian companies are most often victims of cyber gangs from Nigeria

Bulgarian companies are losing large sums of money from scams with a changed email and bank account, Senior Commissioner Vladimir Dimitrov, head of the Cybercrime Directorate, said in Sofia.  In front of an international forum against cybercrime,..

11.09.23 12:12 |

Hackers steal over 6 mln euro from a Bulgarian company

Over 6 million euros have been stolen by hackers from a well-known Bulgarian company. The case is from a month ago, BNR learned from its sources.  The money was withdrawn according to the scheme with a changed IBAN. It is believed that the money was..

10.09.23 13:56 |
Desislava Petrova, spokesperson of Sofia City Prosecutor's Office

Bulgarian authorities start checks of 150 people over Saturday hacker attack on Bulgarian government websites

The Bulgarian prosecutor's office will request the extradition of the Russian citizen who is supposed to be behind the cyber attack on the websites of 14 Bulgarian state institutions on Saturday , Desislava Petrova, spokesperson of the Sofia City..

17.10.22 11:05 |

Investigan a 150 personas por hackeo de las páginas web de instituciones estatales de Bulgaria

La Fiscalía búlgara solicitará la extradición de un ciudadano ruso de quein se supone que está detrás del ataque cibernético contra las páginas web de 14 instituciones estatales búlgaras el sábado, dijo ante BNR Desislava Petrova, portavoz de la fiscalía..

17.10.22 10:52 |
Caretaker Minister of the Interior Ivan Demerdzhiev

Interior Ministry launches efforts to counter cyberattacks at election time

Today the Interior Ministry will issue instructions to the public administration and to the heads of administrations how to protect their systems against hacker attacks . The aim is to prevent breaches during the snap election for parliament on 2..

09.08.22 14:53 |

BNR ve Bulgar medyaları, Ukrayna’daki savaşla ilgili korsan saldırıya uğradı

Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu – BNR’nin, binar.bg platformundaki programlarının çevrimiçi yayını, 6 ve 7 Mart tarihleri arasında korsan saldırısı girişimine maruz kald ı. Sorun giderildi ve BNR’nin içeriği tüm dijital kanallarda yeniden mevcut...

07.03.22 12:05 |

Cyberattack against electronic population census staved off

At the very start of the electronic population census in Bulgaria the e-census website was the target of a hacker attack. This was announced at the press conference which opened the electronic population census campaign of the website..

07.09.21 12:56 |

Cyber-attaque contre le ministère de la Défense

Le profil Facebook du ministère de la Défense "Bulgarian Armed Forces“ est hors-service suite à une attaque de hackers, annonce le service de presse du ministère sur son site officiel ( https://mod.bg/bg/news.php?fn_mode=fullnews&fn_id=11800 ). Il est..

10.03.21 09:48 |
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