Angajații uzinei militare „Terem-Khan Krum” din Târgoviște au protestat din nou, cerând să-și primească salariile pentru lunile ianuarie și februarie. De asemenea, aceștia doresc să afle care este strategia de dezvoltare a uzinei, deoarece nu există..
Employees of the military plant "Terem-Khan Krum" in Targovishte have once again protested, demanding to receive their salaries for January and February. They also want to find out what is the strategy for the development of the plant, as there is..
Doctors and nurses from the country's 12 state-run psychiatric hospitals have staged a protest outside the Ministry of Health, demanding a higher pay rise than that included in the new budget. The protesters briefly blocked traffic on the boulevard in..
Hundreds of citizens have once again protested against animal cruelty in Plovdiv and Sofia. The protesters demanded that Gabriela Sashova and Krassimir Georgiev from Pernik, who sadistically tortured and killed hundreds of cats, rabbits, guinea pigs,..
Citizens took to the streets today to protest against animal abuse. Protests are taking place in Varna, Kardzhali and other Bulgarian cities. Similar protests have already been held in recent days in Sofia, Pernik, Shumen, Gotse Delchev and..
Confederația Sindicatelor Independente din Bulgaria (KNSB), unul dintre cele mai mari sindicate din țară, organizează în această dimineață un protest în fața Adunării Naționale din Sofia. Manifestanții cer majorări salariale în sectoarele subfinanțate,..
One of the two major trade unions in Bulgaria - the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), is organizing a protest under the motto "We want a visible increase in wages with Budget 2025. . Trade unions: Additional..
Lucrătorii din spitalele de psihiatrie de stat au intrat în grevă cerând salarii mai mari și condiții de muncă mai bune, inclusiv o protecție adecvată la locul de muncă, deoarece lucrează cu pacienți periculoși. ”Tinerii specialiști fug pentru că nu..
By blocking dozens of major roads and busy intersections, today restaurateurs are to express their disagreement with the lack of dialogue with the government and the 20% VAT for the industry set in the 2025 budget. Restaurateurs from..
Three days of protests demanding better working conditions are to begin today in psychiatric hospitals and wards across the country. According to Dr Tsveteslava Galabova, head of the St Ivan Rilski State Psychiatric Hospital, psychiatric care is on..