Programi i ditës

author: Albena Bezovska

Les Misérables with long-awaited Bulgarian premiere at the Sofia Opera

On December 6, the Sofia Opera House will host the Bulgarian premiere of the world-famous musical Les Misérables . The exciting story of Victor Hugo's most famous novel written in 1862 has been recreated many times in theatre,..

05.12.19 15:40 |

El esperado estreno de “Los miserables” en la Ópera de Sofía

El 6 de diciembre, el musical "Los Miserables" se presentará por primera vez en Bulgaria en la Ópera de Sofía. La emocionante historia de la novela más famosa de Victor Hugo, escrita en 1862, se ha representado en numerosas ocasiones en..

05.12.19 12:18 |

Martin Hafizi releases his debut author’s album Dark is Bright

We cannot skip a personal fact of the biography of the talented musician. His grandmother Maria Hafizi and his father worked for many years as translators and radio hosts at the Albanian language section of Radio Bulgaria. His mother took part..

04.12.19 12:12 |

Petko Staynov’s Symphony No.1 to be performed for the first time in half a century

Prominent musicians from the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra and young talents from Pioneer Youth Philharmonic will today perform a joint concert in Bulgaria Concert Hall downtown Sofia under the motto "Side by Side". For several years now, the..

03.12.19 14:00 |

La primera sinfonía de Petko Staynov sonará por primera vez en medio siglo

Famosos intérpretes de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Sofía y jóvenes talentos de la Filarmónica “Pioner” ofrecerán hoy un concierto en la sala “Bulgaria” bajo el lema "Hombro con hombro". Desde hace varios años, representantes de ambas orquestas se..

03.12.19 12:51 |

“Dark is Bright”, el álbum debut de Martin Hafizi

No hay forma de obviar un hecho de la vida personal de este talentoso músico: su abuela, Maria Hafizi, fue mucho tiempo traductora y locutora en los programas en albanés en “Radio Bulgaria”, así como su padre. Y su madre se dedicó durante años a..

03.12.19 11:29 |

Martin Hafizi ilk albümünü tanıtacak

Yetenekli müzisyenin biyografisinden kişisel bir ayrıntıyı da ekleyelim.  Büyükannesi Maria Hafizi ve babası Bulgaristan Radyosu'ndaki Arnavutça masasında tercüman olarak çalıştılar.  Ve annesi yıllardır programlarımızın rejisinde yer aldı...

30.11.19 08:05 |

Teodor Uşev'in son filmi "Hüznün Fiziği"- kendilerini bulamayan, dünyayı dolaşanlar için bir film

Teodor Uşev’in en yeni filmi “Hüznün Fiziği"nin galası hiç kuşkusuz "Cinemania - 2019" da öne çıkan olay oldu. Georgi Gospodinov'un romanı üzerine yaratılan 27 dakikalık animasyon filmi Donald ve Ross Sutherland tarafından seslendiriliyor. Filmin..

24.11.19 09:05 |

Theodore Ushev's new short film “The Physics of Sorrow”– a strong highlight in Cinemania 2019

The premiere of The Physics of Sorrow , the new short film of Oscar-nominated director Theodore Ushev, is undoubtedly one of the highlights in Cinemania 2019 International Film Festival held now in Sofia. Based on the eponymous novel by..

23.11.19 08:05 |

El cortometraje animado Física de la tristeza, aspecto destacado del Panorama Cinemanía 2019

El estreno de Física de la tristeza , la obra más reciente del realizador búlgaro Theodore Ushev, constituye sin duda uno de los aspectos más brillantes del Panorama Cinematográfico Mundial Cinemanía 2019. Este película animada, de 27..

19.11.19 16:59 |