The ratio between the number of adoptive parents in Bulgaria and the number of children abandoned by their parents has remained virtually unchanged over the years and this is a signal that time for change has come in the selection system for..
Days after the start of the school year in Bulgaria the reforms in the system of education in Bulgaria and administrative innovations are definitely on the agenda. There are schools in Sofia that already have electronic school records and interactive..
TheEuropean Commission will start reimbursing the costs Bulgaria made to deal with the African swine fever, the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis said in Sofia. Bulgaria has been applying strictly the measures..
Bulgarian rose oil is among the most in-demand and highest quality essential oils in the world to this day. Its lasting fragrance and curative properties have made the oil-bearing rose extract an essential ingredient of a broad range of cosmetic and..
A tendency is in place of an equal number of young Bulgarians graduating abroad and finding a job outside this country, and the number of people deciding to look for a job inside Bulgaria. These are the findings of the organizers of the..
A Ministry of Labour and Social Policy working group is to put forward, this autumn, amendments to the labour legislation. The demand by the Podkrepa Confederation of Labour for restricting working time accounts is to be discussed at an..
At the end of the summer the Bulgarian art elite meets in the coastal town of Sozopol within the frameworks of the Apollonia Festival of Arts. This year is more special for the organizers of the event, because Sozopol hosts the jubilee 35 th..
“Each job requires its master,” the Bulgarian people say. This wisdom has passed the test of time and keeps being valid in the modern world. Being recognized as a master in your professional field is a matter of prestige and honor. Usually,..
Sylvia Stoycheva, volunteer in a wildlife rescue campaign helps wild animals caught in the “traps” of the city. She has made her dream come true - a successful career in the world of fashion and the media. But some years ago she left the..
The 10 th edition of the teenage arts festival the Bridge Fest in the town of Vidin, close to the historical fortress Baba Vida on the Danube, is over. Even the organizers themselves say they were surprised by the turnout this year. All..
Është e Diela e të Lidhurit të Djathit . Sipas traditës ortodokse, dita kremtohet çdo vit në prag të Kreshmës së Madhe, kur të krishterët falin..
"Kjo është Bullgaria - madhështore dhe e shenjtë" ... këndon Maria Angellova në këngën e saj prej autori, të cilën ju prezantojmë një ditë para..
Rituali "Turra", kushtuar Të Lidhurve të Djathit , do të kryhet për të 32-in vit radhazi në livadhin përballë Kompleksit Etnografik "Kulata" në..