Earlier this week, President Rosen Plevneliev paid official visits to Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The European future of the Western Balkan countries, regional cooperation in Southeast Europe, energy diversification, economic and investment..
Cette semaine le président Rossen Plevnéliev s’est déplacé pour des visites officielles au Kosovo et en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Au centre des conversations du chef de l’Etat bulgare avec la présidente du Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, et le président de la présidence..
“La pirámide financiera fue cerrada oficialmente”, informa el Novinar en su titular. “El tribunal declaró la quiebra del Banco Comercial Corporativo”. “Temida ordenó que comenzara la venta de sus activos”, explica el Monitor. “El banco es..
We are no longer asking ourselves whether this country is endangered by radical Islam, jihad and the Islamic State. Six months ago we asked ourselves whether the question was rhetorical or paranoid. Well, now we have the official answer – a Report..
Bulgaristan’ın radikal İslam, Cihad ve DAİŞ sorunu var mı suali gündemde değil. Yarım yıl öncesine kadar bu soru, cevabını içeren, yoksa varsayıma dayalı bir soru mudur diye bakıyorduk. Şimdi ise resmi cevabımız var-Bakanlar Kurulu’nun 2014 Savunma ve..
La question de savoir si notre pays est sous la menace de l’islam radical ne se pose plus, nous connaissons la réponse. Il y a six mois, cette question paraissait rhétorique ou résultant d’une certaine paranoïa. Grace à la publication par le..
Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov declared he was against the amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure put forward by GERB, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), the Patriotic Front and the Bulgarian Democratic Centre which would authorize..
EU grants EUR 1 billion to Western Balkans for infrastructure development The European Union is to grant EUR 1 billion to the Western Balkan countries. The money will be used for improvement of the countries’ infrastructure, said EU..
Durante esta semana la ministra de Energía, Temenuzhka Petkova, asistió a un acontecimiento notable: la ceremonia de instalación de la primera tubería del Gasoducto de Trans-Anatolia, TANAP, que ha tenido lugar en la ciudad turca de Selim. La..
Earlier this week, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova joined a symbolic event – the ceremony of placing the first pipe in the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) in Selim, Turkey. The significance of the event shows in senior attendance..
"Kjo është Bullgaria - madhështore dhe e shenjtë" ... këndon Maria Angellova në këngën e saj prej autori, të cilën ju prezantojmë një ditë para..
Rituali "Turra", kushtuar Të Lidhurve të Djathit , do të kryhet për të 32-in vit radhazi në livadhin përballë Kompleksit Etnografik "Kulata" në..
Festivali i Kukerave "Pesponedellnik", i cili zhvillohet në Shiroka Llëka të dielën e parë të marsit, shënon fundin e dimrit dhe fillimin e pranverës. Më..