No matter what they say on the state of Sofia’s ER, it is clear that the problems there cannot be postponed anymore, just like the ones across the entire healthcare system. The latest case with photographer Elizabeth Nikolova, who passed away due to the..
Est-ce que vous vous souvenez avant la levée des restrictions à la libre circulation combien l’Allemagne et surtout la Grande-Bretagne craignaient un raz-de-marée de travailleurs roumains et bulgares? Beaucoup de bruit pour rien, finalement. Mais il..
Los juguetes son los primeros objetos que muestran a los niños la diversidad del mundo circundante. Existen desde los albores de la historia humana. Durante la décima edición de la Noche Europea de los Museos en Sofía, este año, el Instituto Nacional de..
El sureño ayuntamiento de Momchilgrad, en proximidad a la frontera de Bulgaria con Grecia, ha resuelto asignar una suma notable de sus ingresos para que siga funcionando el hospital local. Este centro sanitario atiende a unas 50 mil personas de la..
‘Velikobritanya 2014’ firmanın adını duymuş muydunuz? İyi para karşılığında Büyük Britanya’da tarım işi teklif ediyor . Fakat bu vaatlere inannlar ne iş ne para buluyor… ‘Velikobritanya 2014’ bizim insanımızın saflığından para kazanan, yalancı..
Have you heard of a company called „Great Britain 2014?“ It offers agricultural work on the island for good remuneration but whoever believed these promises received neither work no payment. This company is one of those that exploit the trust of..
The municipality of Momchilgrad, Southern Bulgaria, close to the border with Greece, has decided to set aside a considerable portion of its revenues to keep the local hospital going, which caters for around 50,000 people in the town and the..
The constant shortage of money in Bulgaria’s healthcare system generated huge tension between medics and patients. However, it influences negatively the incentives for career development of those who work in the system. The low wages makes younger..
C’est à travers les jouets que les enfants prennent connaissance du monde environnant. Et les jouets, ils existent depuis la nuit des temps. Pour sa dixième édition, la « Nuit européenne des musées » à Sofia en partenariat avec le Musée de l’Académie..
El año pasado en Bulgaria hubo 2264 siniestros laborales. A título de comparación, en 2008 fueron casi mil más. Su reducción no se debe al decrecimiento del ritmo económico en varios sectores de la economía a raíz de la crisis, sino más bien a los..
Ramazan Ayı'nın başladığı bu günlerde sözü yeniden siz- dinleyicilerimize vereceğiz. Kaolinovo'nun Kliment köyünden Esma Mustafa geçen yıl..
Ramazan ayı başlangıcı tüm İslam alemi tarafından bekleniyor. Şubat ayının son gününde İslam dinine mensup milyonlarca kişi, bu yıl 29 gün sürecek..
Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev müslümanların mubarek Ramazan ayının başlamasımünasebetiyle, geleneksel iftara ev sahipliği yapacak. Cumhurbaşkanı,..