Francophone traditions in Bulgaria have a rich history dating back to the Bulgarian Renaissance. Even at that time, the French culture and language were held in high esteem by the more educated part of our society as a carrier of the European values. The..
Tsarev Brod “Sv. Sv. Kiril ve Metodiy” ilk okulunda Şumen bölgesinde bulunan toplam 10 yerleşim biriminden toplam 118 öğrenci eğitim almaktadır . “Gri olmasını istemiyoruz, güzel olmasını istiyoruz” şiarını benimseyen eğitim kuruluşunun diğer..
"We don't want it to be drab, we want it to be fab" - this is the message of the Sts Cyril and Methodius Secondary School in the village of Tsarev Brod. "The Different School" is another motto of the school, which educates 118 students up to grade..
La mayor celebración del Día de los Santos Hermanos Cirilo y Metodio, del alfabeto, la educación y la cultura búlgaras y de la literatura eslava, el 24 de mayo, fuera de las fronteras de Bulgaria, se celebra tradicionalmente en Roma. Cada año, en..
The biggest celebration of the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and of Slavic literature - May 24, outside the borders of Bulgaria, is traditionally held in Rome. Every year, on the eve of..
Okullu çocukların sağlık tutumuna (HBSC) ilişkin düzenlenen uluslararası araştırmadan alınan sonuçlara göre ülkemizde 11 yaşında olan öğrencilerin yüzde 10’luk bölümü en az iki defa sarhoş olmuş bulunuyorlar . Kızların yüzde 18’i..
Casi el 10% de los niños de 11 años en Bulgaria han estado ebrios al menos dos veces en su vida, el 18% de los chicos y el 13% de las chicas han fumado tabaco, y hasta el 19% de los jóvenes de 15 años han consumido cannabis, según un estudio..
Aproape 10% dintre copiii de 11 ani din această țară s-au îmbătat cel puțin de două ori în viața lor, 18% dintre fete și 13% dintre băieți au fumat țigări de tutun, iar 19% dintre tinerii de 15 ani au consumat canabis. Acest lucru este indicat de un..
Almost 10% of 11-year olds in this country have been drunk at least twice in their lives, 18% of the girls and 13% of the boys have smoked tobacco cigarettes, and 19% of 15-year olds have used cannabis. This is indicated by an international study on..
Bulgarian banitsa and Shopska salad have more than once occupied the top positions of world gastronomic rankings. But the Bulgarian national cuisine includes much more than these two dishes or the famous meatballs, kebab che ,..
Cuando llegó por primera vez a Bulgaria, Alexander Acosta Osorio se sintió aislado y algo confuso por la barrera del idioma, y por el shock cultural...
El 3 de marzo Bulgaria celebra el 147 aniversario de la Liberación del país después de un dominio otomano que duró cinco siglos. El día fue declarado..
Hoy es el Domingo de Quincuagésima. Según la tradición ortodoxa, este día se celebra cada año en vísperas de la Cuaresma, cuando los cristianos se..