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author: Diana Tsankova

Photo: Facebook /Protests Austria 2020

Bulgarians in Vienna join protest against the attempts to bring down the cabinet

Two years after the 2020 summer of protest, when Bulgarians all over the world organized protests to demand the resignation of the then Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev, who is still in office, Bulgarians in other..

21.06.22 11:50 |

Lilyana Dvoryanova’nın onuncu kişisel sergisi Sofya’da açıldı

Sofya'nın “Etüd” Galerisi’nde ressam Lilyana Dvoryanova'nın “Prisvoeni pogledi” (Benimsenen bakışlar) başlıklı onuncu kişisel sergisi açıldı.  Rönesans ve klasik tablolarından bakışları benimseme fikri, Lilyana Dvoryanova'ya bir şaka olarak doğdu...

18.06.22 10:10 |

El búlgaro Pétar Petrov inventa el primer reloj de pulsera digital del mundo

La pregunta sobre el primer reloj de pulsera digital publicada en las páginas de los distintos idiomas de Radio Bulgaria tenía por objetivo no solo comprobar los conocimientos de nuestros usuarios, sino despertar su curiosidad y sorprenderles, incluidos..

05.06.22 09:05 |

Pétar Pétrov invente la première montre électronique

La bonne réponse au quiz de Radio Bulgarie sur la première montre électronique a suscité des surprises, y compris en ce qui concerne notre public bulgare. « La première montre électronique a été inventée par le Bulgare Pétar Pétrov. Quand..

02.06.22 09:23 |

Petar Petrov dünyaya ilk dijital kol saatini sundu

Bulgaristan Radyosu’nun İnternet sayfasında yayımlanan ilk dijital saat sorusu ile yalnız dinleyicilerimizin bilgilerini denemek değil, bilgi merakını teşvik etmek de istedik. Bu soru Bulgar dinleyicilerimiz de bu arada, kullanıcılarımız için bir..

01.06.22 16:58 |

Peter Petroff launches the world's first electronic watch

The quiz question about the first electronic wristwatch, was published on the website of Radio Bulgaria to test not only the knowledge of our listeners but also to tease their curiosity. It was a surprise question – even to Bulgarian audience...

01.06.22 08:56 |

Los búlgaros gagaúzos llevan años esperando obtener nacionalidad búlgara

Desparramadas en tierras extrañas a consecuencia de alzamientos, guerras y remodelación de fronteras, nuestras comunidades históricas siguen guardando viva su conciencia étnica búlgara a través de la conservación de la lengua, la transmisión..

10.05.22 10:45 |

Bulgarian Gagauz have been waiting for years to receive Bulgarian citizenship

Scattered in foreign lands after uprisings, wars and redrawing of borders, Bulgarian historical communities still keep their Bulgarian identity alive by preserving the language, transmitting family memories and venerating traditions. And they are..

28.04.22 14:34 |

El equipo de la Universidad de Sofía triunfa en la competición de Derecho más prestigiosa del mundo

Sobre el telón de fondo de problemas de peso en el terreno de los derechos humanos, la independencia del sistema judicial, la corrupción y la libertad de expresión en Bulgaria, de los que deja constancia el informe anual del Departamento de..

20.04.22 13:22 |

Team of Sofia University win world’s most prestigious competition for law students

Against the backdrop of cases of human rights violations, issues related to the independence of the judiciary, corruption and lack of freedom of expression in Bulgaria, reported by the US State Department, several Bulgarian law students give hope..

20.04.22 13:13 |
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