En 1995 un grupo de pintores jóvenes declaró su presencia en la vida cultural con un manifiesto en que pusieron fin a la tradición y acometieron la iniciativa de echar los cimientos del nuevo arte búlgaro. Ellos presentaron sus ideas innovadoras en dos..
Two young art historians have a goal to attract the focus of public attention to neglected industrial architecture from the period of Modernism in Bulgaria. The legacy of modernist architecture in Bulgaria from the period between the two..
Deux jeunes critiques d’art ont l’ambition d’attirer cette année l’attention sur l’architecture industrielle, négligée à l’époque du modernisme bulgare. Son patrimoine, bâti entre les deux guerres, tombe aujourd’hui en ruines, «prend..
Bulgaristan askeri tarihinin büyük hikayesi görgü tanıklarının şahitliği ve bilim adamlarının belgesel çalışmalarından gelmektedir. Ancak, global resme az da olsa katkıları olan insanları hissetmek istiyorsak, aile albümlerine bakmalı ve..
Un pintor emprende un regreso espiritual a la patria mediante las vivencias y los recuerdos que ha plasmado en el lienzo. Sin embargo, el tiempo ha apaciguado las tormentas y las imágenes se han retirado en un mundo intangible e..
L’histoire militaire bulgare se fonde sur des témoignages de contemporains mais aussi sur les recherches documentaires de scientifiques. Mais si nous voulons nous adresser aux gens ordinaires qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre,..
There are stories – ostensibly inspiring, beautiful, yet swamped in a quagmire of convoluted, feeble words. And then there are others – genuinely inspirational, stories that reach out to readers’ hearts with the fleetness of a..
He discovered science thanks to two enlightened teachers at primary school. And now that he is working at the pinnacle of academic knowledge he never forgets to give what he has learnt back tothe world. Because knowledge can..
The big picture of Bulgaria’s military history is painted by eyewitness accounts and documentary studies by researchers. But if we want to find out what the people who have left their small imprint on the global picture were really like, we..
Descubrió la ciencia gracias a dos profesores eruditos en secundaria. Hoy, cuando se desempeña en los círculos académicos más encumbrados, no se olvida de devolver lo aprendido al mundo. Es que el saber le despierta, cambia y eleva a uno..