There is no shortage of medications used to treat patients with Covid-19, Bulgaria's Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov said at a briefing after a meeting with representatives of the pharmaceutical sector. "On the territory of Bulgaria we have..
Today, a protest with stretched hospital beds was held in front of the Council of Ministers in downtown Sofia . It was initiated by the organizers of the anti-government protests in Bulgaria which lasted for four months from the so-called Poison Trio...
The Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has issued an order that a specialized point for diagnosing and directing patients to appropriate medical care should be placed in front of each public or private hospital in Bulgaria. You use everything -..
There are no free beds for patients infected with coronavirus in the Sofia's Alexandrovska Hospital. "As one of the largest medical institutions in Sofia and in the country, we will have to open another Covid-19 ward," said the hospital's director,..
By order of Bulgaria's Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov, as of Sunday, October 25, the medical establishments in the districts with morbidity over 120 people per 100 thousand population suspend the planned admission of patients and the planned..
In the event of a prolonged rise in coronavirus infections, new anti-epidemic measures may be introduced in Bulgaria. This was announced for BNR by Bulgaria's Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev. According to him, the high..
Nearly 400 servicemen have donated blood for free in the past month, helping in the battle for saving lives, the Military Medical Academy in Sofia reported. Blood donation is part of the campaign "Be one of us! Donate blood - save a life!” Doctors..
33-year-old cardiologist from the town of Blagoevgrad, Dr. Emil Vaklyov, who was infected with coronavirus, passed away this morning in Pirogov Hospital in Sofia . He is the ninth medic in Bulgaria who became victim of the novel coronavirus infection..
The general hospital in Burgas on the Black Sea is insisting on having a permanent police post in front of the emergency room at night. The reason is the increasing number of incidents involving aggression by patients or their relatives,..
Before 14 July, France’s national day, the French ambassador to Bulgaria Florence Robine made a donation of special medical equipment and medical beds to the hospital in Harmanli, and wheelchairs and walking aids to the social services. “This..