The director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and a member of the National Operational Staff, Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev, said that not every hospital can perform a PCR test when admitting patients as that would mean doing 200,000..
Minister of Health has ordered that the requirement for a PCR test as a condition for admission to a hospital or consultation with a specialist was illegal. The order is due to the frequent signals from citizens that before hospitalization or..
The University Hospital "St. Ivan Rilski ”in Sofia is introducing a new, fully automated system for coronavirus diagnosis. The CMIA type test is CE marked. According to world standards, this is the highest level of reliability, the hospital said...
At 8 am on Tuesday the National Headquarters responsible for measures to combat the spread of Covid-19 announced that 19 new cases of coronavirus infection had been reported in Bulgaria in the past 24 hours. 9 of them were registered in a single..
It is not uncommon for useful inventions to be born in times of crisis when human brain is placed under intense stress and this is how a unique protective face shield for ophthalmologists was invented at the University Specialized..
Madam Fleur De Mon Smithfield Bear jumps over and shakes her fur to make some room for herself – in the hearts of children who welcome her with a warm blanket and a caressing pair of hands. The dog with this long aristocratic name,..
Desislava and Dimitar are owners of a small Bulgarian company producing sleeping bags especially designed for the needs of maternity wards in hospitals. A year ago, they launched the "Sleeping Bag with a Cause" initiative and so far they have..