Gabrovo in central Bulgaria, the “Bulgarian capital of humour” as it is known, is getting ready for the oldest carnival in the country . In the conditions of Covid-19 it will not be taking place, as is the tradition, with a street..
An early Byzantine church, 20 by 10 meters in size, made from rock blocks and brick layers, with a floor lined with ceramic tiles has been discovered by archaeologists. It has two entrances on the south and west sides and an interesting altar..
On April 10, several hundred people started a spontaneous protest in the town of Gabrovo to express their indignation at the assault and beating of a store employee by three Roma. The case triggered an emergency meeting at the Council of Ministers of..
On April 1, April Fools’ Day, the world-famous Museum House of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo marks its 47 th birthday. To mark the occasion today will be open doors day, and all events organized there will be free of charge. Today the National..
The 15th International Fair of Traditional Crafts has started in Bulgaria's open-air ethnographic museum "Etar" near Gabrovo. The program of the fair continues until September 6. More than 130 craftsmen from the country and abroad are presenting their work..
April Fool’s Day is a special day for Gabrovo – the town where they say jokes and pranks are a way of life. Today the House of Humour and Satire in the town turns 45. With its April Fool’s Day programme, the House caters to all tastes and ages...