The members of the Department of Medical Sciences at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which includes some of the most prominent specialists in Bulgaria in the field of medicine and healthcare, have called on Bulgarian citizens not to underestimate the..
With the project "One day in the life of the academician" Bulgaria begins its participation in the initiative "European Night of Scientists 2020" on October 20. In a series of meetings, students will get acquainted with the work of the most prominent..
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is marking the 151 st anniversary since its establishment today with an official ceremony. The academic oration on the subject of “150 years of the Bulgarian exarchate and its link to the Bulgarian Learned..
"By the New Year, the prototype of a Bulgarian vaccine against coronavirus will be ready, then we can start clinical trials ", Assoc. Prof. Penka Petrova, Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Immunology at the Bulgarian Academy of Science s..
Scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have distributed a counter-letter, with a sharp reaction to their colleagues who recently openly supported the protesters against the government and the Prosecutor General and called for civil..
73% of people who change jobs in Bulgaria do so because of low salary, indicates a survey of the labour market conducted by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of..
Archaeologists have unearthed four graves dating back to 8,000 years ago in the early Neolithic settlement of Slatina in Bulgaria's capital Sofia. T he unearthed skeletons are of three adults and a child, said the Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian..
Scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are working under 600 projects with foreign partners, the President of BAS Academician Julian Revalski pointed out in his 2019 report. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences registered over 40 patents and..
The coronavirus was expected to continue with localized outbreaks. The people responsible for tackling the situation are doing well, Prof. Radostina Alexandrova, virologist at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, said in an interview for the Bulgarian..
The official language of the Republic of North Macedonia is a southwestern written regional norm of the Bulgarian language and can therefore be designated as North Macedonian Bulgarian. This conclusion has been reached by scientists from the Bulgarian..