The National Revenue Agency is to take full control over the gambling sector, the amendments to the Gambling Act adopted by the Bulgarian MPs at second reading read, BNR informs. The ruling coalition abandoned the idea to make the State Gambling..
The National Revenue Agency, the State Agency for National Security and the General Directorate Combating Organized Crime have begun inspections at Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast today . The campaign of the National Revenue Agency is aimed at compliance..
The National Revenue Agency was fined EUR 2.6 million in connection with the leak of personal data of over 5 million Bulgarians, the Chairman of the Commission for Personal Data Protection Ventsislav Karadzhov told BTV. The National Revenue Agency..
A twenty-year-old Bulgarian national was detained in connection with the hacker attack against the servers of the National Revenue Agency. The suspect is employed at a cybersecurity company and was testing security networks and computer systems. The..
Following statements that the state authorities failed to collect nearly EUR 8 billion from value added tax in the past 18 years the National Assembly Monitoring Committee on the Revenue Agencies and Combating Parallel Economy and Smuggling will..
The Bulgarian citizens will be able to make free-of-charge online card payments to the treasury and payments in offices of the National Revenue Agency as of the beginning of February this year. Thanks to the new service (card payments to the accounts..
The sum total of revenues in the National Revenue originating from the gaming industry in 2016 grew 32% on 2015 reaching64 million euro according to figures from the State Commission on Gambling quoted by Kapital Press. The rise is mainly due to..