Mariano from Peru dreams of being able to, one day, come and live on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Lara from Portugal wants to go to lectures at a Bulgarian university. But to be able to do that they both need to learn Bulgarian. And..
The communist government in Bulgaria wasted the strategic chance of the Bulgarian community in Albania to study its mother tongue in schools In 1948 Bulgaria refusedto send teachers for the Bulgarian community in Albania,..
Ten years ago Maya Nikolova emigrated from Bulgaria to Great Britain. There, she met several young families from Bulgaria who wanted their children to practice their native language. But in Bournemouth, where Maya lives, there was nowhere..
Captivated by the Bulgarian language, culture and literature, a group of intellectuals unite around the literary circle "Ray of Light" in Tel Aviv's oldest part – Yafo (Jaffa). The idea belongs to Moni Papo – winner of the state award for high..
The official language of the Republic of North Macedonia is a southwestern written regional norm of the Bulgarian language and can therefore be designated as North Macedonian Bulgarian. This conclusion has been reached by scientists from the Bulgarian..
The management of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has disagreed with the adopted "Charter of the Macedonian Language" by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The charter constructed historical and linguistic arguments in defense of..
We have a quota of 2,000 people, yet we are not able to attract students from abroad who have Bulgarian self-awareness, said Vice-President Iliyana Yotova at the opening of the Summer Seminar on Bulgarian Language and Culture held at Veliko Tarnovo..
“To be able to preserve, develop and spread the Bulgarian language, which is in danger of being lost within the Bulgarian communities in other countries we have to extend the network of schools abroad,” said Vice-President Iliana Yotova. There..
In figures from the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, roughly 15 million people across the globe speak Bulgarian. On the eve of the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture May 24, we look into a..