Police and prison wardens organized a protest and put up a tent camp in front of the Ministry of Finance building. The protest is organized by the trade union organizations of the Ministry of the Interior and prisons in Bulgaria. “The..
In 2020, women in Bulgaria received averagely 12.7% lower salaries than men. Women in this country are usually working in lower-paid sectors and in 2019 the difference in average salary was 14.1%, according to data of the CITUB..
Thousands of police officers, firefighters and prison guards from all over the country have held a protest in front of the National Assembly in Sofia. They are dissatisfied with the lack of salary hikes in the ministry and said that..
The National Fire and Rescue Union – “Ogneborets ” goes on a protest march today as a sign of dissatisfaction with the parameters set for the Ministry of Interior in the adopted at first reading state budget, as well as over the uncertainty about..
Bulgaria’s trade unions welcome the decision of the authorities to allocate more money for social polcicies between the first and the second reading of the 2022 state budget. Meanwhile , however, they are calling on them to allocate..
The state budget for 2022, which is expected to become effective as of April, envisages the allocation of 6.4 billion Leva – (approximately EUR 3.27 billion) for policies in the sphere of education and culture. Of this sum, Bulgaria’s oldest..
The number of scientists employed at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has been constantly decreasing, Academician Julian Revalski , President of BAS warned. He presented to the National Assembly Committee on Education and Science a 2020..
The proposed future Minister of Finance Asen Vassilev has announced on Facebook that the party "We continue the change" will increase the maximum insurance income in the country. Now insurance is due only on salaries up to 1,500 euros per month. Anything..
Only 10% of the newly appointed teachers stay within the system of education, more than half leave after the first year, indicates a World Bank report for the 2014-2018 period. The second year is the most critical with 60% of the teachers leaving..
A scandal has marked the meeting between trade unions, employers and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Social Policies Galab Donev. The employers left the meeting after a dispute with the unions sparked. Businesses do not accept..