In September, a three-member household in Bulgaria needed EUR 1,015 to live a normal life, the Institute for Social and Trade Union Research with the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria announced. Single-person households need EUR..
Medics from emergency centers across the country and Covid wards protested in front of the Ministry of Health. They want a 40% salary rise and recognition of their work as the highest category in the retirement plan, as well as..
The MPs kept the size of their salaries which equal three average monthly salaries in the public sector. The proposal to cut down the salaries of the members of parliament down to the average for the country, made by “Stand Up BG! We Are..
MPs' salaries remain unchanged. This has been decided by the temporary committee, which has drafted the rules for the organization and activity of the new 46th Bulgarian parliament. President of the National Assembly Iva Miteva described the..
Bulgaria was about to have the most reform-minded cabinet, said Nikolay Vassilev at a press conference of "There is Such a People" party. Initially, Nikolay Vassilev was nominated for the position of Prime Minister of Bulgaria, but later ITN withdrew..
The shortage of staff will lead to a massive increase in wages in the second half of the year . This is one of the conclusions of the study "Salaries and additional benefits - trends" of ManpowerGroup Bulgaria. Almost half (49%) of the 513 employers..
The shortage of staff will lead to a massive raise in wages in the second half of 2021. Almost half of employers plan to raise wages by up to 20 percent, with the highest growth expected in the regions of Sofia, Burgas, Varna and Plovdiv, according..
“Women in Bulgaria receive salaries which are an average of 14% lower than the salaries of men. This places the country within the “golden mean” among the other countries members of the EU,” Ivaylo Dinev from the Institute for Social and Trade Union..
Wages in Bulgaria could see a significant increase if this country’s gross domestic product increases with 3.5% on an annual basis and the average annual inflation is around 2%, forecasts the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria...
Bulgaria’s government has spent an additional EUR 3 billion on wages and pensions during its current term of office as compared to 2017, this country’s Premier Boyko Borissov said during his visit to the town of Yambol (Southeastern Bulgaria). EUR..