Savunma Şefi Amiral Emil Eftimov, Focus ajansına verdiği söyleşide ABD ve talibanlar arasındaki anlaşma NATO’nun Afganistan’daki “Kararlı destek” misyonunu değiştiriyor, diye belirtti. O nedenle de Bulgaristan askeri kontenjanı Kandahar..
The agreement between the United States and the Taliban has brought changes to NATO's mission "Resolute Support" in Afghanistan, the Chief of Defense, Admiral Emil Eftimov has told the Focus News Agency. That is why the Bulgarian contingent is..
Anija siluruese ROOSEVELT nga përbërja e Forcave Ushtarako-Detare të SHBA-së është në Varna. Komandanti i anijes është kapiteni i rangut të dytë Ryan Kendall. Për shkak të gjendjes epidemike lidhur me Covid-19 komanda dhe ekuipazhi i anijes nuk..
Destroyer " USS Roosevelt " in service with the United States Navy is on an unofficial visit to Varna . The ship's commander is CDR Ryan Kendall. Due to the epidemic situation with Covid-19, the crew of the ship do not leave the vessel. On..
Το τορπιλοβόλο USS ROOSEVELT από το αμερικανικό ναυτικό βρίσκεται σε μια ανεπίσημη επίσκεψη στη Βάρνα. Ο διοικητής του πλοίου είναι ο καπετάνιος 2 ου βαθμού Ryan Kendall. Λόγω της επιδημικής κατάστασης με την COVID-19, η διοίκηση και το πλήρωμα..
Savunma Şefi Amiral Emil Eftimov Bulgaristan’ın NATO dahilinde Afganistan, Irak, Kosova ve Akdeniz’de operasyonlarla ilgili yükümlülüklerini teyit etti. NATO Askeri Komitesi ile video konferansta konuşan Amiral Eftimov, Afganistan misyonun..
Shefi i Mbrojtjes admirali Emill Eftimov ripohoi zbatimin e angazhimeve të Bullgarisë për pjesëmarrjen e NATO-s në Afganistan, Irak, Kosovë dhe Detin Mesdhe. Para Komitetit Ushtarak të Aleancës në një video-mbledhje Eftimov tha se pas..
Bulgaria is one of the countries over which 4 US B-52 Stratofortress strategic bomber aircraft flew on August 28. They are part of NATO's Allied Sky mission, which demonstrates the ability to operate freely in the airspace of North America and..
Η Βουλγαρία είναι μία από τις χώρες πάνω από τις οποίες στις 28 Αυγούστου πέταξαν 4 στρατηγικά βομβαρδιστικά B-52 Stratofortress. Είναι μέρος της αποστολής «Allied Sky» του ΝΑΤΟ, η οποία αποδεικνύει την ικανότητα για ελεύθερη λειτουργία στον εναέριο..
Die bulgarische Armee genießt das höchste Rating der letzten 10 Jahre, informierte die Meinungsforschungsagentur „Gallup International“. Unter allen staatlichen Institutionen erfreut sich die Armee des Vertrauens von 53 Prozent der Unfrageteilnehmer. 30..