Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Maria Angelieva discussed the measures taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the work of consular offices in third countries, which receive numerous..
El ministro de Turismo, Evtim Miloshev, y la vice ministra de Exteriores, María Angelieva, discutieron la flexibilización de la expedición de los visados en terceros países, donde se depositan muchas solicitudes de trabajo en Bulgaria y de visitas..
El primer ministro, Dimitar Glavchev, y el ministro del Interior, Kalin Stoyanov, han debatido con los representantes de las autoridades fronterizas un paquete de medidas para agilizar el tránsito de vehículos por el paso fronterizo de Kulata, en la..
"It is important for us to stand firm and instill confidence in our European partners, and this frequent change of governments, frequent elections, does not send a good signal", Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth..
Pierderile directe pentru Bulgaria din cauza întârzierii aderării depline la Spațiul Schengen se ridică la 424 de milioane de euro, a declarat ministrul interimar al economiei, Petko Nikolov. El a citat un raport al Institutului de Cercetare Economică al..
The direct losses for Bulgaria from the delayed full accession to the Schengen Area amount to EUR 424 million, caretaker Minister of Economy Petko Nikolov said . He quoted a report by the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of..
Las pérdidas directas para Bulgaria por el retraso en la adhesión completa del país a Schengen ascienden a 424 millones de euros, afirmó el ministro interino de Economía, Petko Nikolov. Citó un informe del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la..
Ministrul adjunct de Interne al Ungariei, Bence Retvari, a declarat că abolirea frontierelor Schengen terestre ale Bulgariei și României este foarte importantă pentru președinția ungară a Consiliului UE. Dorim să ajungem la o decizie până la sfârșitul..
Hungary’s Deputy Interior Minister Bence Retvari stated that the abolition of Bulgaria and Romania’s Schengen borders by land is very important to the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU. We want to reach a decision by the end of the..
La pregunta no es si Ucrania se adherirá a la OTAN, sino cuándo sucederá esto. La respuesta depende del campo de batalla y de la capacidad de lograr una paz sostenible, afirmó el presidente búlgaro, Rumen Radev, en la inauguración de la 28ª Mesa Redonda..