Cu un concert al trupei Diana Express, se deschide astăzi Festivalul de Cultură și Artă Bulgară la Bratislava, în curtea Palatului Zichy. Festivalul este organizat de Institutul Cultural Bulgar de la Bratislava și are o istorie din 2016. Evenimentul se..
The Festival of Bulgarian Culture and Art opens today in the yard of the Zichy palace in Bratislava, Slovakia with a concert by Diana Express. The festival is organized by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Bratislava, and has a history going..
The Teodosi i Spa s sov F olk Q uintet will tour across the USA and Canada between September 24 and October 6 . T he musicians will perform in Chicago on September 24, in New York on September 27, in Pittsburgh on September 29, in..
Du 28 août au 5 septembre, Sozopol sur la côte Sud de la mer Noire organise la 39 e édition du Festival des Arts et comme chaque année la tradition veut qu’un grand prix soit remis à un musicien ou un artiste. En 2023, c’est le groupe rock..
Ostava band has been celebrating its birthday with a concert in the popular entertainment venue "Maimunarnika" in Sofia for over 10 years. This year the traditional event is to take place on August 30 and will feature music hits embraced by several..
Ansamblul folcloric Philip Koutev va concerta la Burgas, la Marea Neagră, pe 23 august. Spectacolul de cântece și dansuri, numit Izvoare, care include mai multe spectacole de dans în premieră, este dedicat aniversării a 120 de ani de la nașterea lui..
The Philip Koutev folklore ensemble is to perform in Burgas on the Black Sea on 23 August. The song and dance show, called Founts , which includes several premiere dance performances, is dedicated to the 120 th birth anniversary of Philip..
Two of the iconic names of Bulgarian pop music - singer Bogdana Karadocheva and composer Stefan Dimitrovare are to give a concert on August 7 in Plovdiv. The event will kick off at 8.30 pm at the Ancient Theatre.The acclaimed singer and her husband..
La treizeci și trei de ani de la căderea regimului socialist în Bulgaria, conștientizarea, regândirea și reconcilierea cu istoria noastră par să fie încă în curs de desfășurare. Moștenirea de atunci, pe care o regăsim și astăzi în lumea de azi, este..
"Signal" band, which is among the doyens of Bulgarian rock, celebrates its 45 th anniversary with a national tour. The band was founded in 1978. It released more than ten studio albums and has had thousands of meetings with its loyal fans...